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ID String
107 Zoo Tycoon - Dinosaur Digs
314 Zoo Tycoon: Dinosaur Digs CD Required
315 Please insert your Zoo Tycoon: Dinosaur Digs CD-ROM.
600 YY
601 NN
602 CC
603 DD
604 HH
605 BB
606 MM
607 FF
608 OO
609 ZZ
610 GG
611 EE
612 AA
613 SS
614 RR
615 XX
1025 Clear
1065 Show foliage
1066 Hide foliage
1067 Hide buildings
1068 Hide guests
1069 Show buildings
1070 Show guests
1402 Recovery Building
1405 Track Chopper
1406 Upkeep
1408 Recoveries
1410 Current Duty
1412 Training
1514 Map Scroll Speed
1530 Advanced Options
1539 High
1543 Tool Tip Options
1546 Low
1547 Video Quality
1548 Sound Quality
1551 16 Bit
1552 8 Bit
1553 Mouse Mode
1555 Colored
1556 Mono
1557 Displays more frames of animation (uses more memory).
1558 Displays fewer frames of animation (uses less memory).
1559 Play sound at 16 bit.
1566 Change to full windowed mode
1567 Change to full screen
1575 Adjust the map scroll speed
1578 Play sound at 8 bit.
1579 Display colored mouse cursors (may cause cursor to blink).
1582 Display monochromatic mouse cursors.
2023 Animals
2024 Dinosaurs
2025 Creatures
2130 Click to import files from your hard drive or CD-ROM.
2303 Top
2304 Dino
2305 Trunk
3124 Scientist Recommendations
3199 Exhibit Information
3317 Click and drag to level hills and valleys.
3318 Click and drag to level cliffs and moats.
3614 Cares for animals and cleans their exhibits
3615 Informs guests about the exhibits in the zoo
3616 Cleans zoo grounds and repairs fences
3678 Tranquilizes escaped dinosaurs
3679 Cares for dinosaurs and cleans their exhibits
3697 Staff
3843 Animal Hunger
3844 Exhibit Suitability
4162 Commerce Building List
4172 Arial
4173 10
4175 Sort by building type
4176 Sort by months in operation
4177 Sort by total visitors
4178 Sort by total profit
4179 Sort by average profit
4180 Commerce Building List
4184 Building Name
4185 Months
4186 Visitors
4187 Profit
4188 Avg Profit
4196 Arial Bold
4197 8
4240 Show scientists in the above list.
4241 Scientists
4242 Show DRT choppers in the above list.
4243 DRT Choppers
4350 Staff Assigned:
5085 Tyrannosaurus rex
5086 Saber-toothed Cat
5087 Ankylosaurus
5088 Gallimimus
5089 Iguanodon
5090 Lambeosaurus
5091 Spinosaurus
5092 Styracosaurus
5093 Velociraptor
5094 Allosaurus
5095 Camptosaurus
5096 Caudipteryx
5097 Kentrosaurus
5098 Plesiosaurus
5099 Stegosaurus
5135 Tyrannosaurus
5136 Saber-toothed Cat
5137 Ankylosaurus
5138 Gallimimus
5139 Iguanodon
5140 Lambeosaurus
5141 Spinosaurus
5142 Styracosaurus
5143 Velociraptor
5144 Allosaurus
5145 Camptosaurus
5146 Caudipteryx
5147 Kentrosaurus
5148 Plesiosaurus
5149 Stegosaurus
5150 Apatosaurus
5151 Coelophysis
5152 Herrerasaurus
5153 Plateosaurus
5154 Mammuthus
5155 Coelodonta
5156 Meiolania
5157 Triceratops
5158 Deinosuchus
5216 Dinosaur
5325 Apatosaurus
5326 Coelophysis
5327 Herrerasaurus
5328 Plateosaurus
5329 Wooly Mammoth
5330 Wooly Rhino
5331 Giant Tortoise
5332 Deinosuchus
6058 Meat %s
6059 Empty Meat
6060 Hay %s
6061 Empty Hay
6064 1/2 Full Meat
6065 1/2 Full Hay
6080 Buildings
6081 Scenery
6094 Dinosaur Poo
6095 Giant Dinosaur Poo
6096 Small Dinosaur Poo
6161 Laboratory
6162 Road Paint
6163 Road Paint
6164 Road Paint
6166 Airplane
6167 Genetic Laboratory Vehicle
6168 Oil Drum
6175 Cliff
6176 Cliff
6177 Cliff
6178 Cliff
6179 Cliff
6180 Cliff
6181 Building
6182 Tent
6183 Parking Meter
6184 Dumpster
6204 Paths
6205 Toys
6207 Shelters
6309 Zoo T-shirt
6312 Fruits and vegetables %s
6313 Fish %s
6314 Bamboo shoots %s
6315 Grass and branches %s
6316 Dinosaur Mug
6317 Dinosaur T-shirt
6318 Plastic Dinosaur
6319 Stuffed Dinosaur
6320 Dinosaur Puzzle
6400 Small Torch
6401 T. rex Statue
6402 Velociraptor Statue
6403 Triceratops Statue
6404 Giant Tortoise Fountain
6405 Lava Archway
6406 Stone Archway
6407 Insectivore Chow %s
6408 Wooly Mammoth Fountain
6412 Wooden Observation Area
6415 Large Meat Chow %s
6416 Large Grass and Leaves Chow %s
6420 Triceratops Skeleton
6422 Small Fossil Wall
6423 Medium Fossil Wall
6424 Large Fossil Wall
6425 T. rex Skeleton
6426 Bone Bed
6427 Large Stone Torch
6428 Stone Bench
6430 Dinosaur Zoo Entrance
6431 Dinosaur Admission Booth
6432 Dinosaur Admission Booth
6433 Dinosaur Zoo Wall
6436 Velociraptor Skeleton
6437 Iron Bar Observation Area
6438 Tar Pit
6439 Lava Pit
6440 Reinforced Observation Area
6441 Ice Age Observation Area
6442 Marble Observation Area
6443 Small Volcano
6444 Large Volcano
6445 Large Geyser
6446 Small Geyser
6447 Steam Vent
6450 (almost empty)
6451 (half full)
6452 (full)
7000 Acacia Caffra Tree
7080 Club Moss Shrub
7081 Walchian Conifer Tree
7082 Thouarsus Cycad Tree
7083 Bald Cypress Tree
7084 Dawn Redwood Tree
7085 Fern Bush
7086 Gingko Tree
7087 Glossopteris Tree
7088 Horsetail
7089 Lepidodendron Tree
7090 Leptocycas Tree
7091 Magnolia Tree
7092 Monkey Puzzle Tree
7093 Norfolk Island Pine Tree
7094 Sigillaria Tree
7095 Williamsonia Tree
7096 Arctic Birch Tree
7097 Arctic Grass
7098 Arctic Bush
7124 Get new Zoo Tycoon items from the Internet or local drive.
8011 Animal Theater
8027 Dinosaur Gift Shop
8028 Pteranodon House
8029 Lepospondyl House
8030 Dinosaur Cinema
8031 DRT Base
8032 Dinosaur Gift Stand
8033 Bronto Burger Stand
8034 Stego Putt
8035 Bouncy Ride
8036 Dino Slide
8037 Tree Swing
8038 Mammoth Cones Stand
8040 Fancy Burger Stand
8041 Fancy Drink Stand
8042 Fancy Hot Dog Stand
8043 Fancy Family Bathroom
8044 Fancy Ice Cream Stand
8045 Fancy Pizza Stand
8128 Dinosaur Cave
8129 Dinosaur Burrow
8130 Ice Age Cave
9205 Medium Rock
9210 Highland Rock Formation
9211 Snowy Rock Formation
9212 Savannah Rock Formation
9213 Waterfall Rock Formation
9217 Jungle Rock Formation
9218 Medium Snowy Rock
9222 Desert Rock Formation
9223 Deciduous Forest Rock Formation
9224 Large Highland Rock
9225 Coniferous Forest Rock Formation
9226 Rainforest Rock Formation
9230 Medium Desert Rock
9231 Medium Highland Rock
9232 Medium Savannah Rock
9233 Medium Aquatic Rock
9234 Medium Coniferous Rock
9304 Rock Wall Fence
9307 Brick Wall Fence
9320 Low Rock Wall Fence
9328 Stick Pole Window Fence
9329 Rock Window Fence
9330 Wooden Slat Window Fence
9331 Concrete and Iron Bar Fence
9332 Reinforced Concrete Fence
9333 Reinforced Concrete and Glass Fence
9334 Electrified Chain-link Fence
9335 Electrified Iron Bar Fence
9405 Rainforest
9413 Aquatic
9550 DRT Base
9551 Scientist
9620 Triassic
9621 Jurassic
9622 Cretaceous
9623 Ice Age
9918 %s prefers an exhibit with more cliffs or hills.
9964 Note: an egg requires the care of a scientist.
10098 %s looks overjoyed.
10099 %s looks really furious.
10101 Dinosaurs have been donated to your zoo.
10249 Yow! I just got electrocuted by %s, this place is dangerous.
10250 Look at that %s egg! How cool is that?
10260 How handy -- a gift stand!
10261 Cool, a bouncy ride.
10262 I love a good slide!
10263 A dinosaur cinema, I like movies.
10264 A mini-golf course. Great, I can brush up on my putting!
10265 Wow! A swing! I like to swing!
10266 Look, there's the Pteranodon Aviary. That's where they keep all of the prehistoric birds!
10267 Ooh, there's the Lepospondyl House! Rrrribit!
10268 I wonder who sculpted this statue? It's cool!
10269 This skelton looks neat!
10270 I wonder who dug this up?
10271 These fossils are very interesting to look at.
10272 A hamburger stand! Great, I'm hungry!
10273 I want an ice cream! I'm hungry!
10274 A stuffed dinosaur. Cool!.
10275 I can't wait to put this puzzle together.
10276 This mug is really neat.
10277 I really like this dinosaur T-shirt.
10278 Grrrrr...I can't wait to play with these dinosaur toys.
10279 Bronto burgers rock!.
10280 Mmmmm... ice cream.
10281 %s looks happy.
10282 %s looks somewhat pleased.
10283 %s looks angry.
10284 %s looks upset.
10285 Ohh, I don't feel so good. I think I'm going to ...
10286 The Dinosaur souvenir shop has some really cool gifts!
10316 Waiting at base
10317 Landing
10318 Takeoff
10319 Returning to base
10320 Zookeepers can only be assigned to animal exhibits
10321 Visiting eggs
10322 Congratulations! %s has hatched
10323 The exhibit is too small for keepers to visit
10324 Scientists can only be assigned to dinosaur exhibits
10512 Rubble of %s
10513 Rubble
10514 Cleaning poo
11000 Zoo staff are having trouble getting to %s.
11001 The gate to %s is blocked and is not accessible to zoo staff.
11002 %1s has been eaten by %2s.
11003 No items to display.
11645 An error occurred while saving the game. Please try again.
11648 Corrupted file detected. Aborting download...
11700 You must restart Zoo Tycoon for the video and sound option changes to take full effect.
16019 TUTORIAL 4 - Dinosaur Digs Tutorial
16020 Dinosaur Digs: Ice Age Animal Zoo (Beginner)
16021 Dinosaur Digs: Jurassic Zoo (Intermediate)
16023 Dinosaur Digs: Valley of the Dinosaurs (Intermediate)
16024 Dinosaur Digs: Dinosaur Island Research Lab (Advanced)
16025 Dinosaur Digs: Return to Dinosaur Island Research Lab (Very Advanced)
16026 Dinosaur Digs: Breeding the T. rex (Very Advanced)
17000 Food cost: %d
17001 Healing cost: %d
17002 Purchase cost: %d
17003 Construction cost: %d
17004 Admissions: %d.
17005 Admissions income: %d
17006 Food income: %d
17007 Drink income: %d
17008 Increase donations to %d
17009 Construction refund: %d
17010 Animal refund: %d
17011 Zookeeper wages: %d
17012 Tour guide wages: %d
17013 Maintenance worker wages: %d
17014 Net income: %d
17015 Achieve a zoo value of %m
17107 Exhibit at least %d different dinosaur or prehistoric animal species.
17500 Earn an exhibit suitability rating of at least %d for all exhibits.
17501 Earn an exhibit suitability rating of at least %d for all %r exhibits.
17502 Earn an exhibit suitability rating of at least %d for all %r exhibits.
17503 Earn an exhibit suitability rating of at least %d for all %r exhibits.
17504 Earn an exhibit suitability rating of at least %d for all %r exhibits.
17505 Earn an exhibit suitability rating of at least %d for all %r exhibits.
17506 Earn an exhibit suitability rating of at least %d for all %r exhibits.
17600 Earn an exhibit suitability rating of at least %d for %d exhibits.
17601 Earn an exhibit suitability rating of at least %d for %d %r exhibits.
17602 Earn an exhibit suitability rating of at least %d for %d %r exhibits.
17603 Earn an exhibit suitability rating of at least %d for %d %r exhibits.
17604 Earn an exhibit suitability rating of at least %d for %d %r exhibits.
17605 Earn an exhibit suitability rating of at least %d for %d %r exhibits.
17606 Earn an exhibit suitability rating of at least %d for %d %r exhibits.
17700 Time goal - month: %d
17701 Time goal - year: %d
17702 Time goal - months passed: %d
17742 Exhibit at least %d animal of species %r.
17743 Earn an exhibit suitability rating of at least %d for %d %r exhibit.
17744 Adopt %d %r.
18000 Months to complete: %d
18049 Filter game content by Dinosaur Digs.
18050 Construct a dinosaur exhibit using an electric fence.
18051 Place an Allosaurus egg in the exhibit.
18067 Contain all dinosaurs in suitable exhibits.
18070 Exhibit a baby Tyrannosaurus rex.
18073 Hire a scientist to care for the egg.
18074 Place a Dinosaur Recovery Team building near the exhibit.
18075 Sort the data by average profit.
18076 View the new Research and Conservation programs.
18077 Toggle the show/hide guest button.
18078 Toggle the show/hide foliage button.
18079 Toggle the show/hide buildings button.
18080 Set the Allosaurus free.
18081 When the Allosaurus hatches, create a suitable exhibit for it.
22022 Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Zoo Tycoon\1.1
22025 Eulaxp1.dll
22200 Admissions
22201 Admissions Income
22202 Construction Cost
22203 Animal Cost
22204 Zoo Upkeep Cost
22205 Concessions Income
22206 Wages Cost
22207 Donations Income
22208 Refunds Income
22209 Research Cost
22210 Marketing Cost
22900 All
22901 Zoo Tycoon
22902 Dinosaur Digs
22999 Click to choose: Dinosaur Digs, Zoo Tycoon, or all content.
23210 Dinosaur Houses
23211 Dinosaur Care
23212 T. rex Care
23213 Genetic Research
23214 Dinosaur Foliage
23215 Scientist Training
23216 Genetic Research
23365 Pteranodon House
23366 Lepospondyl House
23367 Pterodactylus of the late Jurassic
23368 Ramphorhyncus of the late Jurassic
23369 Dimorphodon of the early Jurassic
23370 Triadobatrachus of the Triassic
23371 Karaurus of the Jurassic
23372 Diplocaulus of the Permian
23373 Nutritional Dinosaur Food
23374 Reduced Dinosaur Food Costs
23375 Dinosaur Antibiotics
23376 Dinosaur Longevity
23377 Tyrannosaurus rex Enrichment
23378 Tyrannosaurus rex Inoculations
23379 Tyrannosaurus rex Temperament Adjustment
23380 Tyrannosaurus rex
23381 Spinosaurus
23383 Kentrosaurus
23384 Wooly Mammoth
23385 Plesiosaurus
23386 Velociraptor
23387 Ankylosaurus
23388 Coelophysis
23389 Apatosaurus
23390 Monkey Puzzle Tree
23391 Thouarsus Cycad
23392 Glossopteris Tree
23393 Club Moss Shrub
23394 Horsetail
23395 Bald Cypress Tree
23396 Dawn Redwood Tree
23397 Norfolk Island Pine Tree
23398 Arctic Birch Tree
23399 Scientist Training 1
23400 Scientist Training 2
23401 Scientist Training 3
23565 Funding this conservation program will allow you to purchase a Pteranodon House.
23566 Funding this conservation program will allow you to purchase a Lepospondyl House.
23567 Funding this conservation program will allow you to select Pterodactylus of the late Jurassic for the Pteranodon House.
23568 Funding this conservation program will allow you to select Ramphorhyncus of the late Jurassic for the Pteranodon House.
23569 Funding this conservation program will allow you to select Dimorphodon of the early Jurassic for the Pteranodon House.
23570 Funding this conservation program will allow you to select Triadobatrachus of the Triassic for the Lepospondyl House.
23571 Funding this conservation program will allow you to select Karaurus of the Jurassic for the Lepospondyl House.
23572 Funding this conservation program will allow you to select Diplocaulus of the Permian for the Lepospondyl House.
23573 Researching this project will increase the nutritional value of the dinosaur's food.
23574 Researching this project will reduce the cost of the dinosaurs' food.
23575 Researching this project will introduce an inoculation program for the dinosaurs making them less likely to catch diseases.
23576 Researching this project will introduce measures that allow dinosaurs to live longer.
23577 Tyrannosaurus rex will become happier when a scientist enters their exhibit.
23578 Researching this project will introduce an inoculation program for Tyrannosaurus rex, making them less likely to catch diseases.
23579 Researching this project will make Tryannosaurus rex tolerant of more T. rex in its exhibit.
23580 Researching this project will allow you to purchase a tyrannosaurus rex.
23581 Researching this project will allow you to purchase a spinosaurus.
23583 Researching this project will allow you to purchase a kentrosaurus.
23584 Researching this project will allow you to purchase a wooly mammoth.
23585 Researching this project will allow you to purchase a plesiosaurus.
23586 Researching this project will allow you to purchase a velociraptor.
23587 Researching this project will allow you to purchase an ankylosaurus.
23588 Researching this project will allow you to purchase a coelophysis.
23589 Researching this project will allow you to purchase an apatosaurus.
23590 Researching this project will allow you to grow monkey puzzle trees, which are favored by the Tyrannosaurus rex.
23591 Researching this project will allow you to grow thouarsus cycads, which are favored by the Coelophysis.
23592 Researching this project will allow you to grow glossopteris trees, which are favored by the Plateosaurus.
23593 Researching this project will allow you to grow club moss shrubs, which are favored by the Kentrosaurus.
23594 Researching this project will allow you to grow horsetails, which are favored by the Plesiosaurus.
23595 Researching this project will allow you to grow bald cypress trees, which are favored by the Ankylosaurus.
23596 Researching this project will allow you to grow dawn redwood trees, which are favored by Velociraptors.
23597 Researching this project will allow you to grow Norfolk Island pine trees, which are favored by Spinosaurs.
23598 Researching this project will allow you to grow arctic birch trees, which are favored by Wooly Mammoths.
23599 Dinosaurs will become happier when a scientist enters their exhibit.
23600 Scientists will be able to distribute more food upon each exhibit visit.
23601 Scientists will be able to walk faster.
24210 Dinosaur Houses
24211 Dinosaur Care
24212 T. rex Care
24213 Genetic Research
24214 Dinosaur Foliage
24215 Scientist Training
24216 Genetic Research
24285 Pteranodon House
24286 Lepospondyl House
24287 Pterodactylus of the late Jurassic
24288 Ramphorhyncus of the late Jurassic
24289 Dimorphodon of the early Jurassic
24290 Triadobatrachus of the Triassic
24291 Karaurus of the Jurassic
24292 Diplocaulus of the Permian
24293 Nutritional Dinosaur Food
24294 Reduced Dinosaur Food Costs
24295 Dinosaur Antibiotics
24296 Dinosaur Longevity
24297 Tyrannosaurus rex Enrichment
24298 Tyrannosaurus rex Inoculations
24299 Tyrannosaurus rex Temperament Adjustment
24300 Tyrannosaurus rex
24301 Spinosaurus
24303 Kentrosaurus
24304 Wooly Mammoth
24305 Plesiosaurus
24306 Velociraptor
24307 Ankylosaurus
24308 Coelophysis
24309 Apatosaurus
24310 Monkey Puzzle Tree
24311 Thouarsus Cycad
24312 Glossopteris Tree
24313 Club Moss Shrub
24314 Horsetail
24315 Bald Cypress Tree
24316 Dawn Redwood Tree
24317 Norfolk Island Pine Tree
24318 Arctic Birch Tree
24319 Scientist Training 1
24320 Scientist Training 2
24321 Scientist Training 3
26021 Scientist Recommendations
27051 Dinosaur Digs: Basic Map (Small)
27052 Dinosaur Digs: Basic Map (Medium)
27053 Dinosaur Digs: Basic Map (Large)
27054 Dinosaur Digs: Airport Resort Map (Medium)
27055 Dinosaur Digs: Lavaland Map (Medium)
28001 F1 Help
28123 Adding dinos to your zoo
28124 Animation settings
28125 Building List
28126 Dinosaur attacks
28127 Dinosaur capture
28128 Dinosaur eggs
28129 Dinosaur exhibits
28130 Dinosaur rampage
28131 Epochs
28132 Expansion pack filter
28133 Fences and dinosaurs
28134 Hide features
28135 Hotkeys
28136 Objects and dinosaurs
28137 Scientist
28138 Sound settings
28139 Trampled terrain
28140 Recommendations
28141 Technical Support
29013 Excellence in Dinosaur Exhibit Design - Gold Cup
29014 Complete Ice Age Zoo - Gold Mammoth
29015 Quality Dinosaur Care - Blue Ribbon
29016 Tyrannosaurus rex Birth - Gold Rex
29017 Outstanding Animal Health Plaque
29018 Complete Jurassic Zoo - Gold Stegosaurus
31000 Adopt Animals. Adopt animals, view animal information, or purchase animal toys and shelters.
31001 Structures. Buy zoo buildings and scenery.
31002 Construction. Construct exhibits, modify terrain, or buy foliage and rocks.
31005 Hire Staff. Hire zookeepers, scientists, maintenance workers, tour guides or a DRT base.
31006 Messages. Show or expand the list of messages at the top of the screen.
31007 Zoom in. Increase magnification.
31008 Rotate World Counter-clockwise.
31009 Rotate World Clockwise.
31010 Animal List. View lists of animals in the zoo.
31012 Guest List. View lists of guests in the zoo.
31014 Zoo Status. View zoo information, finances, building information, awards and ratings.
31019 Research and Conservation. Manage funding of research on zoo items and the conservation of zoo animals.
31023 Zoom out. Decrease magnification.
31025 Clear. Remove objects and receive a partial refund.
31050 Exhibit List. View lists of zoo exhibits.
31051 Staff List. View lists of zoo staff.
31065 Click to show foliage in the game area.
31066 Click to hide foliage in the game area.
31067 Click to hide buildings in the game area.
31068 Click to hide guests in the game area.
31069 Click to show buildings in the game area.
31070 Click to show guests in the game area.
31071 Pause game.
31072 Resume game.
31075 Undo last action.
31530 Advanced Options. Decreasing sound or video quality may help to improve game performance.
31541 Click to access game options. Save and load games, return to the main menu or exit Zoo Tycoon.
31543 Click to access tool tip options. Switch tool tip type and adjust the speed at which tool tips appear.
31544 About. Click to access help and about.
31560 Load. Click to load a save game.
31561 Save. Click to save your game.
31562 Main Menu. Click to go to the Main Menu.
31563 Exit. Click to Exit Zoo Tycoon.
31566 Click to change the video mode to windowed.
31567 Click to change the video mode to full screen.
31575 Slide left to right to adjust the map scroll speed
33124 Scientist recommendations. Click to view the scientist's recommendations on improving exhibit suitability.
33199 Exhibit information. Lists exhibit popularity, construction date, upkeep costs and if a scientist is assigned.
33240 Click to manually choose where to place the gate along an exhibit's fence.
33302 Accept all terrain changes since opening this menu tab.
33310 Increase tool size. The tool is used to apply terrain type or height changes onto land. Click the plus (+) button to increase shovel size.
33314 Decrease tool size. The tool is used to apply terrain type or height changes onto land. Click the minus (-) button to decrease shovel size.
33317 Click and drag to level hills and valleys. Allows faster application of hills and valleys.
33318 Click and drag to level cliffs and moats. Allows faster application of cliffs and moats.
33361 Terrain Height. Animals require different terrain heights, depending on their preferred habitats.
33365 Grass. Suitable exhibit terrain for grassland animals. Many animals like a small amount of grass in their exhibits.
33578 Click to add exhibits to the staff member's schedule, then move the cursor over an exhibit and click again.
33579 Click to remove selected exhibit from the staff member's schedule.
33580 Click to remove all exhibits from the staff member's schedule. Staff member will not have any assigned exhibits.
33590 Click to add this exhibit to the staff member's schedule.
33819 Show sick animals in the above list. Sick animals will quickly need the attention of a staff member.
33821 Show hungry animals in the above list. Animals will become hungry if there are no staff assigned to their exhibit.
33843 Animal hunger. Assign scientists to exhibits of hungry animals.
33844 Exhibit suitability. Click Scientist Recommendations to get advice on improving exhibit suitability.
34107 Scenario information. Lists each scenario's objectives and status.
34153 Zoo graphs. Graphs the zoo's ratings, donations, profits, and attendance.
34154 Income/Expenses. Lists information about the zoo's income and expenses.
34175 Click to sort by building type. This is ideal for grouping buildings of the same type together.
34176 Click to sort by number of months in operation. This is ideal for seeing which buildings have been around the longest.
34177 Click to sort by frequency of guest use. This is ideal for seeing which buildings the guests visit the most.
34178 Click to sort by profit. This is ideal for seeing which buildings bring in the most money.
34179 Click to sort by average profit. This is ideal for seeing which buildings bring in the most money.
34180 Building list. Lists all commerce buildings and summarizes important building information.
34310 Exhibit status. Lists exhibit construction date, upkeep costs, and if staff are assigned.
35002 Adopt a polar bear. Polar bears live alone or in small groups. Polar bears are carnivores that mainly eat seals in the wild.
35046 Adopt a Triceratops (tri-SER-uh-tops). Triceratops move in great herds. When threatened, triceratops charge at their aggressors with their three powerful, large horns.
35081 Adopt an Asian elephant. Asian elephants live in medium-sized herds. Asian elephants prefer the foxtail palm tree.
35085 Adopt a Tyrannosaurus rex (ti-RAN-o-SAWR-us reks). The T. rex is an extremely violent animal that prefers living alone. Only the strongest enclosures can hold the T. rex. T. rex eats meat, preferably live meat.
35086 Adopt a Saber-toothed Cat. Saber-toothed Cats live in small to medium-sized families called prides. Saber-toothed Cats use their saber-like canine teeth to hunt fast moving animals.
35087 Adopt an Ankylosaurus (ANG-ki-lo-SAWR-us). Ankylosaurs live in medium to large-sized herds. Ankylosaurs are peaceful herbivores that use the bony club at the end of their tails for defense.
35088 Adopt a Gallimimus (GAL-i-MIEM-us). Gallimimuses live in medium to large-sized herds. Gallimimuses are omnivores that need a nearby source of fresh water.
35089 Adopt an Iguanodon (i-GWAHN-o-don). Iguanodons live in small to medium-sized herds. Iguanodons are gentle herbivores that need a shelter.
35090 Adopt a Lambeosaurus (LAM-bee-o-SAWR-us). Lambeosaurs live in small to medium-sized herds. Lambeosaurs are large, gentle herbivores.
35091 Adopt a Spinosaurus (SPIEN-o-SAWR-us). Spinosaurs live in small family groups. Spinosaurs are large, voracious carnivores.
35092 Adopt a Styracosaurus (STIHR-a-ko-SAWR-us). Styracosaurs live in medium to large-sized herds. Styracosaurs are grazing herbivores.
35093 Adopt a Velociraptor (vee-LOHS-i-RAP-tor). Velociraptors live in small to medium-sized hunting packs. Velociraptors are cunning predators who hunt any form of living meat.
35094 Adopt an Allosaurus (AL-o-SAWR-us). Allosaurs live alone or in small family groups. Allosaurs are voracious carnivores with an appetite for living food.
35095 Adopt a Camptosaurus (KAMP-to-SAWR-us). Camptosaurs live alone or in small family groups. Camptosaurs are gentle herbivores.
35096 Adopt a Caudipteryx (kaw-DIP-ter-iks). Caudipteryx live in medium to large-sized herds. Caudipteryx are insectivores.
35097 Adopt a Kentrosaurus (KEN-tro-SAWR-us). Kentrosaurs live in small to medium-sized herds. Kentrosaurs are grazing herbivores.
35098 Adopt a Plesiosaurus (PLEE-sio-SAWR-us). Plesiosaurs live in small family groups. Plesiosaurs are aquatic carnivores.
35099 Adopt a Stegosaurus (STEG-o-SAWR-us). Stegosaurs live in small to medium-sized herds. Stegosaurs are grazing herbivores.
35325 Adopt an Apatosaurus (a-PAT-o-SAWR-us). Apatosaurs live alone or in small family groups. Apatosaurs are large, slow moving herbivores.
35326 Adopt a Coelophysis (SEEL-o-FIE-sis). Coelophysises live alone or in small family groups. Coelophysises dart among rainforest trees and steal eggs from other dinosaurs.
35327 Adopt a Herrerasaurus (he-RER-a-SAWR-us). Herrerasaurs live alone or in small family groups. Herrerasaurs are skilled hunters that live in the rainforest.
35328 Adopt a Plateosaurus (PLAT-ee-o-SAWR-us). Plateosaurs live alone or in small family groups. Plateosaurs are gentle herbivores.
35329 Adopt a Wooly Mammoth. Wooly Mammoths live in small to medium-sized herds. Its thick, wooly hair is ideal to help the Wooly Mammoth survive harsh tundra winters.
35330 Adopt a Wooly Rhinoceros. Wooly rhinos live in small family groups. The thick, wooly hair of the wooly rhino helps it survive the harsh climate in which it lives.
35331 Adopt a Giant Tortoise. Giant tortoises live in small family groups. The thick shell of the giant tortoise protects it from the elements and dangerous predators.
35332 Adopt a Deinosuchus (die-no-SUE-kus). Deinosuchuses live alone or in small family groups. Deinosuchuses are vicious predators that eat fish and some small dinosaurs.
36012 Purchase an iron bar exhibit fence. Very strong. Animals cannot climb out or jump over it. Allows guests to see into an exhibit.
36026 Purchase a flowerbed. Guests will appreciate the beautiful flowers growing in it.
36031 Purchase a large flowerbed. Guests will appreciate the many beautiful flowers growing in it.
36058 Full Platter of Carnivore Chow
36059 Empty Platter of Carnivore Chow
36060 Full Platter of Herbivore Chow
36061 Empty Platter of Herbivore Chow
36064 Partially Full Platter of Carnivore Chow
36065 Partially Full Platter of Herbivore Chow
36094 Large pile of dinosaur poo
36109 Large Lion Rock. Lions will really enjoy sunning themselves on this large rock.
36161 Purchase a Laboratory.
36162 Purchase Road Paint 1.
36163 Purchase Road Paint 2.
36164 Purchase Road Paint 3.
36165 Purchase a Lava Pit.
36166 Purchase an Airplane.
36167 Purchase a Genetic Laboratory Vehicle.
36168 Purchase an Oil Drum.
36301 Pizza. To satisfy their hunger, guests can purchase pizza at pizza stands or restaurants.
36303 Hot dog. To satisfy their hunger, guests can purchase hot dogs at hot dog stands or restaurants.
36304 Soda. To satisfy their thirst, guests can purchase sodas at drink stands or restaurants.
36312 Pile of Fruit Chow
36313 Pile of Fish Chow
36314 Pile of Bamboo Chow
36315 Pile of Grass Chow
36316 Guests love to buy the dinosaur mug for their coffee or tea.
36317 Guests love to buy dinosaur T-shirts to show that they visited the dinosaur zoo.
36318 Guests love to buy the plastic dinosaurs to play with.
36319 Guests love to buy the cuddly stuffed Styracosaurus toy.
36320 Guests love to buy the dinosaur puzzle to assemble.
36400 Purchase a small stone torch. Guests will find that the small stone torch gives the zoo a pleasantly wild setting.
36401 Purchase a T. rex statue. Guests will be fascinated by the statue of the Tyrannosaurus rex.
36402 Purchase a velociraptor statue. Guests will be fascinated by the statue of the velociraptor.
36403 Purchase a triceratops statue. Guests will be fascinated by the statue of the triceratops.
36404 Purchase a giant tortoise fountain. Guests will enjoy the beautiful fountain featuring the giant prehistoric tortoise.
36405 Purchase a lava archway. Guests will enjoy walking through the lava archway.
36406 Purchase a stone archway. Guests will enjoy walking through the stone archway.
36407 Pile of insectivore chow
36408 Purchase a wooly mammoth fountain. Guests will enjoy the beautiful fountain featuring the giant prehistoric elephant.
36412 Purchase a wooden observation area. Guests will appreciate the observation areas and walk under them to view dinosaurs and animals in exhibits.
36415 Pile of dinosaur carnivore chow
36416 Pile of dinosaur herbivore chow
36420 Purchase a triceratops skeleton. Guests will find the addition of a triceratops skeleton to your zoo very attractive.
36422 Purchase a small fossil wall. Guests will enjoy the informative fossil wall.
36423 Purchase a medium fossil wall. Guests will enjoy the fossil wall.
36424 Purchase a large fossil wall. Guests will enjoy the awe-inspiring large fossil wall.
36425 Purchase a Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton. Guests will find the addition of a T. rex skeleton to your zoo very attractive.
36426 Purchase a bone bed. Guests will marvel at a recreation of a real dinosaur dig.
36427 Purchase a large stone torch. Guests will find that the large stone torch gives the zoo a suitably wild feel.
36428 Purchase a stone bench. Guests will rest easy on the dinosaur-themed stone bench.
36430 Purchase a dinosaur zoo entrance. Zoo Entrances are required for a zoo to open.
36431 Purchase a right dinosaur admission booth.
36432 Purchase a left dinosaur admission booth.
36433 Purchase a dinosaur zoo wall.
36434 Purchase a steam vent.
36436 Purchase a velociraptor skeleton. Guests will find the addition of a velociraptor skeleton to your zoo very attractive.
36437 Purchase an iron bar observation area. Guests will enjoy standing under your iron bar observation area to view animals or dinosaurs.
36438 Purchase a tar pit. Guests will be fascinated by the gurgling, stinky tar pit.
36439 Purchase a lava pit. Guests will be fascinated by the molten hot lava.
36440 Purchase a reinforced observation area. Guests will appreciate the observation areas and walk under them to view dinosaurs or animals in exhibits.
36441 Purchase an ice age observation area. Guests will appreciate the observation areas and walk under them to view dinosaurs or animals in exhibits.
36442 Purchase a marble observation area. Guests will appreciate the observation areas and walk under them to view dinosaurs or animals in exhibits.
36443 Purchase a small volcano. Guests will be awed by the lava flowing from the small volcano.
36444 Purchase a large volcano. Guests will be awed by the lava flowing from the large volcano.
36445 Purchase a large geyser. Guests will really enjoy the sudden rush of water from the large geyser.
36446 Purchase a small geyser. Guests will really enjoy the sudden rush of water from the small geyser.
36447 Purchase a steam vent. Guests will enjoy the steam rising from the steam vent.
37000 Acacia Caffra Tree. Savannah animals will enjoy the acacia caffra tree.
37018 Foxtail Palm Tree. Rainforest animals will enjoy the foxtail palm tree.
37042 Llala Palm Tree. Rainforest animals will enjoy the llala palm tree.
37048 Thorn Bush. Savannah animals will enjoy the thorn bush.
37065 Kapok Tree. Rainforest animals will enjoy the kapok tree.
37078 Purchase a Jack-O'-Lantern. A spooky jack-o'-lantern will give guests a pleasant holiday fright.
37079 Purchase a Snowman. A jolly character who prefers to sit in snow whenever possible. Guests will enjoy seeing his festive holiday face.
37080 Club Moss Shrub. Coniferous forest dinosaurs will enjoy the club moss shrub.
37081 Walchian Conifer Tree. Coniferous forest dinosaurs will enjoy the walchian conifer tree.
37082 Thouarsus Cycad Tree. Rainforest dinosaurs will enjoy the thouarsus cycad tree.
37083 Bald Cypress Tree. Aquatic dinosaurs will enjoy the bald cypress tree.
37084 Dawn Redwood Tree. Coniferous dinosaurs will enjoy the dawn redwood tree.
37085 Fern Bush. Rainforest dinosaurs will enjoy the fern bush.
37086 Gingko Tree. Deciduous forest dinosaurs will enjoy the gingko tree.
37087 Glossopteris Tree. Deciduous forest dinosaurs will enjoy the glossopteris tree.
37088 Horsetail. Aquatic dinosaurs will enjoy the horsetail.
37089 Lepidodendron Tree. Coniferous forest dinosaurs will enjoy the lepidodendron tree.
37090 Leptocycas Tree. Rainforest dinosaurs will enjoy the leptocycas tree.
37091 Magnolia Tree. Deciduous forest dinosaurs will enjoy the magnolia tree.
37092 Monkey Puzzle Tree. Grassland dinosaurs will enjoy the monkey puzzle tree.
37093 Norfolk Island Pine Tree. Coniferous forest dinosaurs will enjoy the Norfolk Island pine tree.
37094 Sigillaria Tree. Savannah dinosaurs will enjoy the sigillaria tree.
37095 Williamsonia Tree. Rainforest dinosaurs will enjoy the williamsonia tree.
37096 Arctic Birch Tree. Tundra prehistoric mammals will enjoy the arctic birch tree.
37097 Arctic Grass. Tundra prehistoric mammals will enjoy the arctic grass.
37098 Arctic Bush. Tundra prehistoric mammals will enjoy the arctic bush.
37124 Download new Zoo Tycoon items over the Internet or from a local drive. Be sure you are already connected to the Internet to download new items.
38015 Purchase a Reptile House. All guests, especially children, enjoy getting up close with the exotic reptiles in the Reptile House, which can accommodate medium-sized groups.
38016 Purchase an Aviary. Adult guests really enjoy the sight of beautiful birds of all types soaring throughout the Aviary, which can accommodate large-sized groups.
38017 Purchase a Primate House. All guests, especially children, enjoy the almost human-like actions of the primates on view in the Primate House, which can accommodate medium-sized groups.
38018 Purchase an Insect House. All guests, especially the children, will enjoy the creepy-crawly bugs. Accommodates small sized groups.
38023 Purchase a gift shop. Everyone will want to buy zoo souvenirs from the gift shop, which can accommodate large groups at a time.
38024 Purchase a Petting Zoo. Everyone, especially children, will enjoy the hands-on contact with all manner of farm animals at the Petting Zoo, which can accommodate medium-sized groups.
38027 Purchase a Dinosaur Gift Shop. Everyone will want to buy dinosaur zoo souvenirs from the gift shop, which can accommodate large groups.
38028 Purchase a Pteranodon House. Guests will enjoy seeing the prehistoric flying reptiles.
38029 Purchase a Lepospondyl House. Guests will enjoy seeing the prehistoric amphibians.
38030 Purchase a Dinosaur Cinema. Adults and children alike will enjoy the educational and exciting dinosaur movie at the cinema.
38031 Click to hire a Dinosaur Recovery Team. The DRT will sedate escaped dinosaurs and prehistoric animals so that scientists may safely capture them.
38032 Purchase a Dinosaur Gift Stand. Everyone will want to buy dinosaur zoo souvenirs from the gift stand, but only one person at a time can buy something.
38033 Purchase a Dinosaur Bronto Burger Stand. Guests will fill their bellies with delicious charbroiled hamburgers.
38034 Purchase a Stego Putt golf hole. Guests will love giving their luck a chance at the dinosaur-themed putting green.
38035 Purchase a Bouncy Ride. Children will love bouncing back and forth on the bouncy ride.
38036 Purchase a Dino Slide. Children will love sliding down the back of the brontosaurus.
38037 Purchase a Tree Swing. Children will love swinging in the tree swing.
38038 Purchase a Mammoth Cones Stand. Guests will enjoy the ice cream from the Mammoth Cones ice cream stand.
38040 Purchase a fancy burger stand. Guests will become hungry if they spend much time in the zoo. The burger stand can only sell to a few guests at a time, but it will relieve more hunger than hot dogs.
38041 Purchase a fancy drink stand. Guests will become thirsty if they spend much time in the zoo. Only a moderate number of people can buy drinks at a time, but the sodas will quench more thirst than a can of soda from a vending machine.
38042 Purchase a fancy hot dog stand. Hot dogs aren't as filling as hamburgers, but they will still keep guests from being hungry. Only a couple of guests at a time can purchase from the vendor.
38043 Purchase a fancy family restroom. Guests will need to use restrooms if they eat or drink, or if they've been in the zoo for very long. This restroom is larger than the small restroom, but more expensive.
38044 Purchase a fancy ice cream stand. Everyone, especially kids, loves ice cream. Eating it won't relieve much guest hunger, but the building is a lot prettier than a pizza shack.
38045 Purchase a fancy pizza stand. Pizza is more filling than hamburgers or hot dogs, and due to pizza's circular shape, more people will be able to buy pizza at a time.
38128 Dinosaur Cave. Dinosaurs in captivity often need a place for privacy. Some large dinosaurs prefer the dinosaur cave.
38129 Dinosaur Burrow. Dinosaurs in captivity often need a place for privacy. Some small dinosaurs prefer the dinosaur burrow.
38130 Ice Age Cave. Prehistoric animals in captivity often need a place for privacy. Mammoths and other Ice Age animals prefer the ice age cave.
39205 Medium Rock. Animals that enjoy rocks in their exhibit will enjoy this medium rock.
39218 Medium Snowy Rock. Arctic animals that enjoy rocks in their exhibit will enjoy this medium snowy rock.
39224 Large Highland Rock. Highland animals that enjoy rocks in their exhibit will enjoy this large highland rock.
39230 Medium Desert Rock. Desert animals that enjoy rocks in their exhibit will enjoy this medium desert rock.
39231 Medium Highland Rock. Highland animals that enjoy rocks in their exhibit will enjoy this medium highland rock.
39232 Medium Savannah Rock. Savannah animals that enjoy rocks in their exhibit will enjoy this medium savannah rock.
39233 Medium Aquatic Rock. Aquatic animals that enjoy rocks in their exhibit will enjoy this medium aquatic rock.
39234 Medium Coniferous Rock. Coniferous forest animals that enjoy rocks in their exhibit will enjoy this medium coniferous rock.
39300 Purchase a plexiglass exhibit fence. Strong fence. Animals cannot climb out or jump over it. Allows guests to see into an exhibit.
39301 Purchase a chain-link exhibit fence. Weak strength. Animals cannot jump over it but may climb out of it. Allows guests to see into an exhibit.
39302 Purchase a concrete exhibit fence. Very strong. Animals cannot climb out or jump over it. Does not allow guests to see into an exhibit made only with concrete fencing.
39303 Purchase a concrete and chain exhibit fence. Strong fence. Animals cannot climb out or jump over it. Allows guests to see into an exhibit.
39304 Purchase a rock exhibit fence. Strong fence. Animals may climb out of it, but cannot jump over it. Does not allow guests to see into an exhibit made only with rock fencing.
39306 Purchase a post and rail exhibit fence. Average strength. Animals may climb out of it. Allows guests to see into an exhibit.
39311 Purchase a wooden slat exhibit fence. Average strength. Animals may climb out of it. Does not allow guests to see into an exhibit made only with wooden slat fencing.
39313 Purchase a stick pole exhibit fence. Weak strength. Animals may climb out of it, but cannot jump over it. Does not allow guests to see into an exhibit made only with stick pole fencing.
39316 Purchase a low plexiglass exhibit fence. Strong fence. Animals may climb out or jump over it. Allows guests to see into an exhibit.
39317 Purchase a low chain-link exhibit fence. Weak strength. Animals may climb out or jump over it. Allows guests to see into an exhibit.
39318 Purchase a low concrete exhibit fence. Very strong. Animals may climb out or jump over it. Allows guests to see into an exhibit.
39319 Purchase a low concrete and chain exhibit fence. Strong fence. Animals may climb out or jump over it. Allows guests to see into an exhibit.
39320 Purchase a low rock exhibit fence. Strong fence. Animals may climb out or jump over it. Allows guests to see into an exhibit.
39321 Purchase a low post and rail exhibit fence. Average strength. Animals may climb out or jump over it. Allows guests to see into an exhibit.
39322 Purchase a low wooden slat exhibit fence. Average strength. Animals may climb out or jump over it. Allows guests to see into an exhibit.
39323 Purchase a low wooden pole exhibit fence. Weak strength. Animals may climb out or jump over it. Allows guests to see into an exhibit.
39324 Purchase a low stick pole exhibit fence. Weak strength. Animals may climb out or jump over it. Allows guests to see into an exhibit.
39325 Purchase a low iron bar exhibit fence. Very strong. Animals may climb out or jump over it. Allows guests to see into an exhibit.
39328 Purchase a windowed stick pole exhibit fence. Average strength. Animals may climb out of it, but cannot jump over it. Allows guests to see into an exhibit.
39329 Purchase a windowed rock exhibit fence. Strong fence. Animals may climb out of it, but cannot jump over it. Allows guests to see into an exhibit.
39330 Purchase a windowed wooden slat exhibit fence. Average strength. Animals may climb out of it, but cannot jump over it. Allows guests to see into an exhibit.
39331 Purchase a reinforced concrete and iron bar exhibit fence. Extremely strong. Useful for containing very large or strong animals, such as dinosaurs. Allows guests to see into an exhibit.
39332 Purchase a reinforced concrete exhibit fence. Extremely strong. Useful for containing very large or strong animals, such as dinosaurs. Guests cannot see into an exhibit with only reinforced concrete fencing.
39333 Purchase a reinforced concrete and glass exhibit fence. Extremely strong. Useful for containing very large or strong animals, such as dinosaurs. Allows guests to see into an exhibit.
39334 Purchase an electrified chain-link exhibit fence. Extremely strong. Electric current running through the fence keeps strong animals such as dinosaurs from breaking out of exhibits. Allows guests to see into an exhibit.
39335 Purchase an electrified iron bar exhibit fence. Extremely strong. Electric current running through the fence keeps strong animals such as dinosaurs from breaking out of exhibits. Allows guests to see into an exhibit.
39551 Click to hire a scientist. Scientists are responsible for feeding, healing, and cleaning up after dinosaurs and prehistoric animals. Without a scientist, your dinosaurs will go hungry.
39918 %s prefers an exhibit with more cliffs or hills.
52200 Admissions. Lists number of admissions per month.
52201 Admissions Income. Lists amount of income from admissions per month.
52202 Construction Cost. Lists amount of money spent on construction per month.
52203 Animal Cost. Lists amount of money spent on adopting animals per month.
52204 Zoo Upkeep Cost. Lists amount of money spent on zoo upkeep per month.
52205 Concessions Income. Lists amount of income from food, drink, attractions and souvenir purchases made by guests per month.
52206 Wages Cost. Lists amount of money spent on paying wages to employees per month.
52207 Donations Income. Lists amount of income from guest donations.
52208 Refunds Income. Lists amount of income from recycling garbage, poo and cleared objects per month.
52209 Research Cost. Lists amount of money spent on research and conservation per month.
52210 Marketing Cost. Lists amount of money spent on marketing per month.
54210 Dinosaur Houses. Select this to begin a conservation program to develop Dinosaur Houses for dinosaurs that are not large enough for their own exhibits.
54211 Dinosaur Care. Select this program to research dinosaur inoculation, improved dinosaur food, and improved dinosaur longevity.
54212 T. rex Care. Select this program to research better, more efficient care specifically designed for the Tyrannosaurus rex.
54213 Genetic Research. Select this to begin a conservation program to research ways to genetically engineer dinosaurs from discovered dinosaur DNA.
54214 Dinosaur Foliage. Select this to begin a conservation program to make available more foliage for dinosaur exhibits.
54215 Scientist Training. Select this program to research education programs to improve scientist efficiency and dinosaur care.
54216 24216
54217 24217
54218 24218
54219 24219
54220 24220
54285 Funding this conservation program will allow you to purchase a Pteranodon House.
54286 Funding this conservation program will allow you to purchase a Lepospondyl House.
54287 Funding this conservation program will allow you to select Pterodactylus of the late Jurassic for the Pteranodon House.
54288 Funding this conservation program will allow you to select Ramphorhyncus of the late Jurassic for the Pteranodon House.
54289 Funding this conservation program will allow you to select Dimorphodon of the early Jurassic for the Pteranodon House.
54290 Funding this conservation program will allow you to select Triadobatrachus of the Triassic for the Lepospondyl House.
54291 Funding this conservation program will allow you to select Karaurus of the Jurassic for the Lepospondyl House.
54292 Funding this conservation program will allow you to select Diplocaulus of the Permian for the Lepospondyl House.
54293 Researching this project will make the food given to dinosaurs more nutritional.
54294 Researching this project will reduce the price of food for dinosaurs.
54295 Researching this project will introduce an inoculation program for dinosaurs, making them less likely to catch diseases.
54296 Researching this project will lengthen the average dinosaur lifespan.
54297 Researching this project will make the T. rex happier when a scientist enters its exhibit.
54298 Researching this project will introduce an inoculation program for the T. rex, making them less likely to catch diseases.
54299 Researching this project will teach the T. rex to be more amicable so they can reproduce.
54300 Genetic research advancements will allow you to adopt a Tyrannosaurus rex.
54301 Genetic research advancements will allow you to adopt a Spinosaurus.
54302 Genetic research advancements will allow you to adopt a Plateosaurus.
54303 Genetic research advancements will allow you to adopt a Kentrosaurus.
54304 Genetic research advancements will allow you to adopt a Wooly Mammoth.
54305 Genetic research advancements will allow you to adopt a Plesiosaurus.
54306 Genetic research advancements will allow you to adopt a Velociraptor.
54307 Genetic research advancements will allow you to adopt an Ankylosaurus.
54308 Genetic research advancements will allow you to adopt a Coelophysis.
54309 Genetic research advancements will allow you to adopt an Apatosaurus.
54310 Researching this project will allow you to grow a Monkey Puzzle Tree.
54311 Researching this project will allow you to grow a Thouarsus Cycad.
54312 Researching this project will allow you to grow a Glossopteris Tree.
54313 Researching this project will allow you to grow a Club Moss Shrub.
54314 Researching this project will allow you to grow a Horsetail.
54315 Researching this project will allow you to grow a Bald Cypress Tree.
54316 Researching this project will allow you to grow a Dawn Redwood Tree.
54317 Researching this project will allow you to grow a Norfolk Island Pine Tree.
54318 Researching this project will allow you to grow an Arctic Birch Tree.
54319 Scientist Training 1. Dinosaurs will become happier when a scientist enters their exhibit.
54320 Scientist Training 2. Scientists will be able to distribute more food upon each exhibit visit.
54321 Scientist Training 3. Scientists will be able to walk faster.
61094 the Dinosaur poo
61095 the Small Dinosaur Poo
61096 the Giant Dinosaur Poo
61161 the Laboratory
61162 the Road Paint
61163 the Road Paint
61164 the Road Paint
61165 the Lava Pit
61166 the Airplane
61167 the Genetic Laboratory Vehicle
61168 the Oil Drum
61169 the Large Geyser
61170 the Small Geyser
61171 the Tar Pit
61172 the Volcano
61173 the Volcano
61174 the Steam Vent
61175 the Cliff
61176 the Cliff
61177 the Cliff
61178 the Cliff
61179 the Cliff
61180 the Cliff
61181 the Building
61182 the Tent
61183 the Parking Meter
61184 the Dumpster
61310 the piece of trash
61316 the Dinosaur Mug
61317 the Dinosaur T-shirt
61318 the Plastic Dinosaur
61319 the Stuffed Dinosaur
61400 the Small Torch
61401 the T. rex Statue
61402 the Velociraptor Statue
61403 the Triceratops Statue
61404 the Giant Tortoise Fountain
61405 the Lava Archway
61406 the Stone Archway
61407 the Insectivore Chow
61408 the Wooly Mammoth Fountain
61412 the Wooden Viewing Area
61415 the Large Meat Chow
61416 the Large Grass and Leaves Chow
61420 the Triceratops Skeleton
61422 the Small Fossil Wall
61423 the Medium Fossil Wall
61424 the Large Fossil Wall
61425 the T. rex Skeleton
61426 the Bone Bed
61427 the Large Stone Torch
61428 the Stone Bench
61430 the Dinosaur Zoo Entrance
61431 the Dinosaur Admission Booth
61432 the Dinosaur Admission Booth
61433 the Dinosaur Zoo Wall
61434 the Steam Vent
61435 the Tar Pit
61436 the Velociraptor Skeleton
61437 the Iron Bar Observation Area
61438 the Tar Pit
61439 the Lava Pit
61440 the Reinforced Observation Area
61441 the Ice age Observation Area
61442 the Marble Observation Area
61443 the Small Volcano
61444 the Large Volcano
61445 the Large Geyser
61446 the Small Geyser
61447 the Steam Vent
62080 the Club Moss Shrub
62081 the Walchian Conifer Tree
62082 the Thouarsus Cycad Tree
62083 the Bald Cypress Tree
62084 the Dawn Redwood Tree
62085 the Fern Bush
62086 the Gingko Tree
62087 the Glossopteris Tree
62088 the Horsetail
62089 the Lepidodendron Tree
62090 the Leptocycas Tree
62091 the Magnolia Tree
62092 the Monkey Puzzle Tree
62093 the Norfolk Island Pine Tree
62094 the Sigillaria Tree
62095 the Williamsonia Tree
62096 the Arctic Birch Tree
62097 the Arctic Grass
62098 the Arctic Bush
63011 the Animal Theater
63027 the Dinosaur Gift Shop
63028 the Pteranodon House
63029 the Lepospondyl House
63030 the Dinosaur Cinema
63031 the DRT Base
63032 the Dinosaur Gift Stand
63033 the Bronto Burger Stand
63034 the Stego Putt
63035 the Bouncy Ride
63036 the Dino Slide
63037 the Tree Swing
63038 the Mammoth Cones Stand
63040 the Fancy Burger Stand
63041 the Fancy Drink Stand
63042 the Fancy Hot Dog Stand
63043 the Fancy Family Bathroom
63044 the Fancy Ice Cream Stand
63045 the Fancy Pizza Stand
63128 the Dinosaur Cave
63129 the Dinosaur Burrow
63130 the Ice Age Cave
64100 the Asphalt Path
64101 the Concrete Path
64102 the Dirt Path
64103 the Tile Path
64108 the Brick Path
64109 the Sand Path
64110 the Cobblestone Path
64111 the Yellow Brick Path
64215 the Stone Ruins
64218 the Medium Snowy Rock
64222 the Desert Rock Formation
64230 the Medium Desert Rock
64231 the Medium Highland Rock
64232 the Medium Savannah Rock
64233 the Medium Aquatic Rock
64234 the Medium Coniferous Rock
64309 the Decorative Hedge
65512 the Rubble of %s
65513 the Rubble