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ID String
6706 Playful Dino Archway
6707 Playful Bronto Statue
6708 Playful T. rex Statue
8068 Kids Dino Gift Shop
8069 Kids Snack Stand
8070 Kids Arcade
9115 Dino Footprint Path
9351 Kids Bronto Fence
9352 Kids Stego Fence
10618 I enjoy walking under this funny dinosaur arch.
10619 The blue bronto statue looks really funny.
10620 That's a neat T. rex statue.
10621 The video games in the arcade are really cool!
10651 These dino souvenirs are so cool!
10652 Wow! What a cool snack stand!
36706 Purchase a playful dino archway. Children will enjoy walking under the playful dino archway.
36707 Purchase a playful bronto statue. Children will enjoy looking at the playful bronto statue.
36708 Purchase a playful T. rex statue. Children will enjoy looking at the playful T. rex statue.
38068 Purchase a kids dino gift shop. Children will enjoy purchasing souvenirs at this shop.
38069 Purchase a kids snack stand. Children will enjoy purchasing their favorite snacks from this stand.
38070 Purchase a kids arcade. Children will enjoy playing the latest video games in the arcade.
39115 Purchase a dino footprint path. Dino footprint paths indicate to guests where they should walk.
39351 Purchase a kids bronto decorative fence. Cannot be used to contain animals in an exhibit, but children will enjoy it when it's used in landscaping.
39352 Purchase a kids stego decorative fence. Cannot be used to contain animals in an exhibit, but children will enjoy it when it's used in landscaping.
61706 the Playful Dino Archway
61707 the Playful Bronto Statue
61708 the Playful T. rex Statue
63068 the Kids Dino Gift Shop
63069 the Kids Snack Stand
63070 the Kids Arcade
64115 the Dino Footprint Path
64351 the Kids Bronto Fence
64352 the Kids Stego Fence