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ID String
6453 Amphora Clay Pot
6454 Stone Obelisk
6455 Sand Archway
6456 Worn Cart
6457 Desert Rock
6458 Cloth Observation Area
6459 Water Well
6460 Snake Pit
6461 Sphinx Statue
7205 Sand Bush
7206 Doum Palm Tree
7207 Desert Flowers
9112 Desert Trail
9336 Low Sand Wall
10644 That's a really nice amphora.
10645 Wow, that is a tall obelisk. I wonder what it all means.
10646 Ahh, that sandcart must be what they used to build the pyramids.
10647 I guess they use this well to get the water around here.
10648 Ooh. A snake pit. I hope they don't get out!
10649 Wow, that sphinx statue sure is cool.
10650 Those are some beautiful desert flowers.
36453 Purchase an amphora clay pot. Guests will appreciate the beautiful amphora pot.
36454 Purchase an obelisk. Guests will appreciate the beautiful stone obelisk.
36455 Purchase a sand archway. Guests will appreciate the beautiful sand archway.
36456 Purchase a worn cart. Guests will appreciate the rustic look of the worn cart.
36457 Purchase a desert rock. Desert animals that enjoy rocks in their exhibit will enjoy this desert rock formation.
36458 Purchase a cloth observation area. Guests will appreciate the observation areas and walk under them to view animals in exhibits.
36459 Purchase a water well. Guests will enjoy the look of the water well.
36460 Purchase a snake pit. Guests will enjoy watching the deadly snakes.
36461 Purchase a sphinx statue. Guests will appreciate the mysterious look of the sphinx statue.
37205 Sand bush. Desert animals will enjoy the sand bush.
37206 Doum palm tree. Desert animals will enjoy the doum palm tree.
37207 Purchase desert flowers. Guests will appreciate the beautiful desert flowers.
39112 Purchase a desert trail. Desert trails indicate to guests where they should walk.
39336 Purchase a low sand decorative wall. Cannot be used to contain animals in an exhibit, but guests will enjoy it when it's used in landscaping.
61453 the Amphora Clay Pot
61454 the Stone Obelisk
61455 the Sand Archway
61456 the Worn Cart
61457 the Desert Rock
61458 the Cloth Observation Area
61459 the Water Well
61460 the Snake Pit
61461 the Sphinx Statue
62205 the Sand Bush
62206 the Doum Palm Tree
62207 the Desert Flowers
64112 the Desert Trail
64336 the Low Sand Decorative Wall