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ID String
8040 Fancy Burger Stand
8041 Fancy Drink Stand
8042 Fancy Hot Dog Stand
8043 Fancy Family Bathroom
8044 Fancy Ice Cream Stand
8045 Fancy Pizza Stand
38040 the Fancy Burger Stand
38041 the Fancy Drink Stand
38042 the Fancy Hot Dog Stand
38043 the Fancy Family Bathroom
38044 the Fancy Ice Cream Stand
38045 the Fancy Pizza Stand
63040 Purchase a fancy burger stand. Guests will become hungry if they spend much time in the zoo. The burger stand can only sell to a few guests at a time, but it will relieve more hunger than hot dogs.
63041 Purchase a fancy drink stand. Guests will become thirsty if they spend much time in the zoo. Only a moderate number of people can buy drinks at a time, but the sodas will quench more thirst than a can of soda from a vending machine.
63042 Purchase a fancy hot dog stand. Hot dogs aren't as filling as hamburgers, but they will still keep guests from being hungry. Only a couple of guests at a time can purchase from the vendor.
63043 Purchase a fancy family restroom. Guests will need to use restrooms if they eat or drink, or if they've been in the zoo for very long. This restroom is larger than the small restroom, but more expensive.
63044 Purchase a fancy ice cream stand. Everyone, especially kids, loves ice cream. Eating it won't relieve much guest hunger, but the building is a lot prettier than a pizza shack.
63045 Purchase a fancy pizza stand. Pizza is more filling than hamburgers or hot dogs, and due to pizza's circular shape, more people will be able to buy pizza at a time.