This page is incomplete. Pull requests welcome.
Entity IDs and Codenames
Zoo Tycoon 1 configuration files use integer values to map the game entities to string tables. Animals, buildings, foliage, guests can all be considered an entity--or otherwise anything that might be considered a game asset. Please take a look at the entity list below for a list of all entities and their IDs.
Base Game Animals
Entity Name | ID | Codename |
African Elephant | 5000 |
elephant |
Giant Panda | 5001 |
panda |
Polar Bear | 5002 |
polarbr |
Chimpanzee | 5003 |
chimp |
Plains Zebra | 5004 |
zebra |
Thompson's Gazelle | 5005 |
gazelle |
Lion | 5006 |
lion |
Bengal Tiger | 5007 |
tiger |
Siberian Tiger | 5008 |
stiger |
Cheetah | 5009 |
cheetah |
Leopard | 5010 |
leopard |
Black Leopard | 5011 |
blacklep |
Snow Leopard | 5012 |
snowlep |
Clouded Leopard | 5013 |
cloulep |
Jaguar | 5014 |
jaguar |
Gray Wolf | 5015 |
graywolf |
Grizzly Bear | 5016 |
grizzly |
American Black Bear | 5017 |
blackbr |
Spotted Hyena | 5018 |
hyena |
Olive Baboon | 5019 |
baboon |
Mandrill | 5020 |
mandrill |
Lowland Gorilla | 5021 |
gorilla |
Red Kangaroo | 5023 |
kangaroo |
Black Rhinoceros | 5024 |
brhino |
Common Wildebeest | 5025 |
wildebst |
American Bison | 5026 |
bison |
Ibex | 5027 |
ibex |
Okapi | 5028 |
okapi |
Moose | 5029 |
moose |
African Buffalo | 5030 |
afrbuf |
Gemsbok | 5031 |
gemsbok |
American Bighorn | 5032 |
bighorn |
Giraffe | 5033 |
giraffe |
Dromedary Camel | 5034 |
dromcaml |
Hippopotamus | 5035 |
hippo |
Markhor | 5036 |
markhor |
Greater Flamingo | 5037 |
flamingo |
Ostrich | 5038 |
ostrich |
Emperor Penguin | 5039 |
emppeng |
California Sea Lion | 5040 |
sealion |
Saltwater Crocodile | 5041 |
swcroc |
Giant Anteater | 5042 |
anteater |
African Warthog | 5043 |
warthog |
White Siberian Tiger | 5045 |
wtiger |
Triceratops | 5046 |
tritops |
Arctic Wolf | 5048 |
arcwolf |
Unicorn | 5049 |
unicorn |
Black Buck | 5076 |
blckbuck |
Bongo | 5077 |
bongo |
Mountain Lion | 5078 |
mntnlion |
Sable Antelope | 5079 |
sablea |
Asian Black Bear | 5080 |
asblckbr |
Asian Elephant | 5081 |
asianele |
African Wild Dog | 5500 |
wilddog |
Llama | 5502 |
llama |
Komodo Dragon | 5503 |
komodo |
Orangutan | 5506 |
orngutan |
Malayan Tapir | 5507 |
tapir |
Japanese Serow | 5508 |
serow |
Przewalski’s Horse | 5509 |
przewals |
Javan rhino | 5511 |
javrhino |
Bigfoot | 5514 |
bigfoot |
Loch Ness Monster | 5515 |
lochness |
Mexican Gray Wolf | 5516 |
mexwolf |
Yeti | B101B026 |
B101B026 |
Reindeer | 5300 |
reindeer |
Magnet | 5340 |
magnet |
Dinosaur Digs Animals
Entity Name | ID | Codename |
Tyrannosaurus Rex | 5085 |
trex |
Saber-toothed cat | 5086 |
smilo |
Ankylosaurus | 5087 |
ankylo |
Gallimimus | 5088 |
gallim |
Iguanodon | 5089 |
iguano |
Lambeosaurus | 5090 |
lambeo |
Spinosaurus | 5091 |
spino |
Styracosaurus | 5092 |
styraco |
Velociraptor | 5093 |
velocira |
Allosaurus | 5094 |
allo |
Camptosaurus | 5095 |
campto |
Caudipteryx | 5096 |
caudipt |
Kentrosaurus | 5097 |
kentro |
Plesiosaurus | 5098 |
plesio |
Stegosaurus | 5099 |
stego |
Apatosaurus | 5325 |
apato |
Coelophysis | 5326 |
coelo |
Herrasaurus | 5327 |
herrera |
Plateosaurus | 5328 |
plateo |
Wooly Mammoth | 5329 |
wolmam |
Wooly Rhino | 5330 |
wolrhn |
Giant Tortoise | 5331 |
meiolan |
Deinosuchus | 5332 |
deino |
Megatherium | 5501 |
megath |
Macrauchenia | 5505 |
macrauch |
Marine Mania Animals
Entity Name | ID | Codename |
Orca | 5400 |
orca |
Great White Shark | 5401 |
gwshark |
Bottlenose Dolphin | 5402 |
dolphin |
Lion’s Mane Jellyfish | 5403 |
jellyfsh |
Elephant Seal | 5404 |
eleseal |
Humpback Whale | 5405 |
hbackwhl |
Sperm Whale | 5406 |
spermwhl |
Narwhal | 5407 |
narwhal |
Harbor Porpoise | 5408 |
porpoise |
Hammerhead Shark | 5409 |
hhshark |
Tiger Shark | 5410 |
tigersh |
Mako Shark | 5411 |
mako |
Green Moray Eel | 5412 |
morayeel |
Beluga | 5413 |
beluga |
Southern Sea Otter | 5414 |
seaotter |
Pacific Octopus | 5415 |
octopus |
West Indian Manatee | 5416 |
seacow |
Pacific Walrus | 5417 |
walrus |
Manta Ray | 5418 |
mantaray |
Green Sea Turtle | 5419 |
seaturt |
Swordfish | 5420 |
marlin |
Giant Squid | 5421 |
gsquid |
Bluefin Tuna | 5422 |
tuna |
Barracuda | 5423 |
baracuda |
Mermaid | 5424 |
mmaid |
Whale Shark | 5504 |
whleshrk |
Common Sawfish | 5510 |
sawfish |
Bowhead Whale | 5517 |
bowhead |
Ambient Animals
Entity Name | ID | Codename |
Hawk | 5050 |
Blue Jay | 5051 |
Crow | 5052 |
Seagull | 5053 |
Parrot | 5054 |
Vulture | 5055 |
Blue Fang Biplane | 5082 |
Santa Claus and Reindeer | 5083 |
Halloween Witch | 5084 |
Animal Genus
Entity Name | ID |
Elephant | 5100 |
Panda | 5101 |
Bear | 5102 |
Ape | 5103 |
Horse | 5104 |
Gazelle | 5105 |
Lion | 5106 |
Tiger | 5107 |
Cheetah | 5108 |
Leopard | 5109 |
Jaguar | 5110 |
Wolf | 5111 |
Bison | 5116 |
Buffalo | 5118 |
Camel | 5119 |
Hippopotamus | 5120 |
Flamingo | 5121 |
Ostrich | 5122 |
Crocodile | 5123 |
Anteater | 5124 |
Pig | 5125 |
Penguin | 5126 |
Sheep | 5127 |
Goat | 5128 |
Deer | 5129 |
Hyena | 5130 |
Sea Lion | 5131 |
Antelope | 5132 |
Monster | 5134 |
Tyrannosaurus | 5135 |
Saber-toothed Cat | 5136 |
Ankylosaurus | 5137 |
Gallimimus | 5138 |
Iguanodon | 5139 |
Lambeosaurus | 5140 |
Spinosaurus | 5141 |
Styracosaurus | 5142 |
Velociraptor | 5143 |
Allosaurus | 5144 |
Camptosaurus | 5145 |
Caudipteryx | 5146 |
Kentrosaurus | 5147 |
Plesiosaurus | 5148 |
Stegosaurus | 5149 |
Triceratops | 5157 |
Deinosuchus | 5158 |
Orca | 5159 |
Great White Shark | 5160 |
Bottlenose Dolphin | 5161 |
Lion's Mane Jelly | 5162 |
Elephant Seal | 5163 |
Humpback Whale | 5164 |
Sperm Whale | 5165 |
Great Hammerhead Shark | 5168 |
Tiger Shark | 5169 |
Shortfin Mako Shark | 5170 |
Green Moray Eel | 5171 |
Beluga | 5172 |
Southern Sea Otter | 5173 |
Giant Pacific Octopus | 5174 |
West Indian Manatee | 5175 |
Pacific Walrus | 5176 |
Manta Ray | 5177 |
Green Sea Turtle | 5178 |
North Atlantic Swordfish | 5179 |
Giant Squid | 5180 |
Bluefin Tuna | 5181 |
Great Barracuda | 5182 |
Mermaid | 5183 |
Komodo Dragon | 5184 |
Whale Shark | 5185 |
Macrauchenia | 5186 |
Bowhead Whale | 5187 |
Tapir | 5188 |
Sawfish | 5189 |
Animal Family
Entity Name | ID |
Primitive Ungulate | 5200 |
Raccoon | 5201 |
Bear | 5202 |
Primate | 5203 |
Odd-Toed Ungulate | 5204 |
Even-Toed Ungulate | 5205 |
Cat | 5206 |
Canine | 5207 |
Hyena | 5208 |
Marsupial | 5210 |
Bird | 5211 |
Crocodile | 5213 |
Edentate | 5214 |
Pig | 5215 |
Dinosaur | 5216 |
Fantastic Creature | 5217 |
Cetacea | 5218 |
Lamniformes | 5219 |
Invertebrates | 5220 |
Carcharhiniformes | 5221 |
Anguilliformes | 5222 |
Pinniped | 5223 |
Sirenia | 5224 |
Myliobatidae | 5225 |
Testudinae | 5226 |
Octopodidae | 5227 |
Architeuthidae | 5228 |
Perciformes | 5229 |
Mustelidae | 5230 |
Atlantean | 5231 |
Monitor Lizard | 5232 |
Orectolobiformes | 5233 |
Tapiridae | 5234 |
Rajiformes | 5237 |
Show Toys
Entity Name | ID | Codename |
Advanced Trick Area | 6500 |
showarea |
Dolphin Ball | 6501 |
dolball |
Orca Ball | 6502 |
orcaball |
Dolphin Hoop | 6503 |
showhoop |
Orca Stage | 6504 |
stage |
Sea Lion Beach Ball | 6506 |
sealball |
Sea Lion Squeeze Horn | 6507 |
sealhorn |
Sea Lion Raft | 6508 |
sealwav |
Sea Otter Ball | 6510 |
ottball |
Sea Otter Hoop | 6511 |
otthoop |
Land Toys
Entity Name | ID | Codename |
Swinging Log | 6100 |
swnglog |
Small Chimpanzee Bars | 6101 |
monkbar1 |
Gorilla Climbing Bars | 6102 |
monkbar2 |
Large Chimpanzee Bars | 6103 |
monkbar3 |
Cat Climbing Tree | 6106 |
brnchtoy |
Small Lion Rock | 6108 |
lionrck1 |
Large Lion Rock | 6109 |
lionrck3 |
Orangutan Jungle Gym | 6110 |
asibars |
Orangutan Rope Swing | 6111 |
asirope |
Ice Floe | 6505 |
icefloe |
Raft | 6509 |
rockraft |
Icy Keg | 6512 |
icekeg |
Sunken Log | 8137 |
aqdrift |
Entity Name | ID | Codename |
Acacia Caffra Tree | 7000 |
acacia |
Thorn Acacia Tree | 7001 |
whtthrna |
Wild Olive Tree | 7004 |
wolive |
Ulmo Tree | 7005 |
ulmo |
Elm Tree | 7006 |
elm |
Pacific Dogwood Tree | 7007 |
pdogwood |
Cherry Tree | 7008 |
cherry |
Lodgepole Pine Tree | 7009 |
lodgpine |
Palm Tree | 7010 |
palm |
Maple Tree | 7011 |
maple |
Fir Tree | 7012 |
fir |
Pine Tree | 7013 |
pine |
Mangrove Tree | 7014 |
mangrove |
Elephant Ear Tree | 7015 |
eleear |
Bamboo | 7016 |
bamboo |
Eucalyptus Tree | 7017 |
eucalyp |
Foxtail Palm Tree | 7018 |
foxtail |
Hard Quandong Tree | 7019 |
hquandon |
Thornless Mesquite Tree | 7020 |
tmesquit |
Yew Tree | 7021 |
yew |
Birch Tree | 7022 |
birch |
Spruce Tree | 7023 |
wspruce |
Yellow Cedar Tree | 7024 |
westceda |
Western Larch Tree | 7025 |
glarch |
Trembling Aspen Tree | 7026 |
taspen |
Globe Willow Tree | 7028 |
willow |
Joshua Tree | 7029 |
joshua |
Red Gum Tree | 7030 |
redgum |
Quiver Tree | 7033 |
quiver |
Japanese Maple Tree | 7035 |
jmaple |
Grass Tree | 7063 |
grasstr |
Paper Birch Tree | 7064 |
pbirch |
Kapok Tree | 7065 |
kapok |
Weeping Willow Tree | 7066 |
weepwill |
White Oak Tree | 7067 |
woak |
Western Red Cedar Tree | 7068 |
wrcedar |
Chinese Fir Tree | 7069 |
cfir |
Himalayan Birch Tree | 7070 |
hbirch |
Western Juniper Tree | 7071 |
wjuniper |
Himalayan Pine Tree | 7072 |
hpine |
Sage Bush | 7073 |
sage |
Broadleaf Bush | 7074 |
grshrub |
Pine Bush | 7075 |
pineshrb |
Khejri Tree | 7076 |
khejri |
Holiday Tree | 7077 |
xmastree |
Club Moss Shrub | 7080 |
clubmoss |
Walchian Conifer Tree | 7081 |
conifer |
Thouarsus Cycad Tree | 7082 |
cycad |
Bald Cypress Tree | 7083 |
cypress |
Dawn Redwood Tree | 7084 |
dawnred |
Fern Bush | 7085 |
fernbush |
Gingko Tree | 7086 |
gingkos |
Glossopteris Tree | 7087 |
glossop |
Horsetail | 7088 |
horstail |
Lepidodendron Tree | 7089 |
lepidod |
Tube Worm | 7420 |
tubeworm |
Stove Pipe Sponge | 7419 |
stovpipe |
Sea Sponge | 7418 |
sponge |
Sea Star | 7415 |
seastar |
Sea Cucumber | 7414 |
seacuke |
Sea Anemone | 7400 |
anemone |
Sand Dollar | 7413 |
sdollar |
Sargassum | 7412 |
sargass |
Red Gorgonian | 7411 |
redgorgo |
Sea Lettuce | 7410 |
lettuce |
Kelp | 7409 |
kelp |
Fire Coral | 7408 |
fircoral |
Feather Duster Worm | 7407 |
fdstworm |
Divercate Tree Coral | 7406 |
dtcoral |
Orange Cup Coral | 7405 |
cupcoral |
Clam Bed | 7404 |
clambed |
Brittle Sea Star | 7403 |
britstar |
Beach Grass | 7402 |
bchgrass |
Barnacles | 7401 |
barnacle |
Yucca Tree | 7435 |
mexyucca |
Durian Tree | 7434 |
asiduria |
Giant Ficus Tree | 7433 |
asitree |
Rafflesia | 7432 |
asiflow |
Snowbell Tree | 7431 |
japtree |
Bonsai | 7430 |
japbush |
Rainforest Stump | 7429 |
junstump |
Rainforest Flowers | 7428 |
junflowr |
Fallen Rainforest Tree | 7427 |
juntree |
Senegal Date Palm | 7426 |
aftree |
Savannah Flowers | 7425 |
afflower |
Snowy Grass | 7424 |
snograss |
Snowy Bush | 7423 |
snowbush |
Snowy Tree | 7422 |
snowtree |
Purple Sea Urchin | 7421 |
urchin |
Agave Cactus | 7436 |
mexagave |
Entity Name | ID | Codename |
Rock Cave | 8100 |
rckcave1 |
Snowy Rock Cave | 8102 |
rckcave2 |
Panda Rock Cave | 8103 |
pancave |
Small Lean-to | 8104 |
leanto1 |
Lean-to | 8105 |
leanto2 |
Large Lean-to | 8106 |
leanto3 |
Small Concrete Shelter | 8107 |
conhous1 |
Concrete Shelter | 8108 |
conhous2 |
Large Concrete Shelter | 8109 |
conhous3 |
Small Wood Shelter | 8110 |
wodhous1 |
Wood Shelter | 8111 |
wodhous2 |
Large Wood Shelter | 8112 |
wodhous3 |
Small Stable | 8113 |
stable1 |
Stable | 8114 |
stable2 |
Large Stable | 8115 |
stable3 |
Small Elephant Shelter | 8116 |
elehous1 |
Large Elephant Shelter | 8117 |
elehous2 |
Small Giraffe Shelter | 8118 |
girhous1 |
Large Giraffe Shelter | 8119 |
girhous2 |
Small Burrow | 8120 |
burrow1 |
Burrow | 8121 |
burrow2 |
Large Burrow | 8122 |
burrow3 |
Dinosaur Burrow | 8129 |
dnest1 |
Dinosaur Cave | 8128 |
dinocave |
Ice Age Cave | 8130 |
icecave |
Seafloor Cave | 8135 |
aqcave |
Sunken Ship | 8136 |
sunkship |
Atlantean Undersea Ruin | 6701 |
atlruin1 |
Atlantean Undersea Ruin | 6702 |
atlruin2 |
Atlantean Undersea Ruin | 6703 |
atlruin3 |
Entity Name | ID |
Savannah | 9400 |
Grassland | 9401 |
Deciduous Forest | 9402 |
Coniferous Forest | 9403 |
Boreal Forest | 9404 |
Tropical Rainforest | 9405 |
Scrub | 9406 |
Highlands | 9407 |
Tundra | 9408 |
Desert | 9409 |
Non-Habitat | 9410 |
Many | 9411 |
Null Habitat | 9412 |
Aquatic | 9413 |
Bad-Habitat | 9414 |
Entity Name | ID | Codename |
Atlantean Undersea Ruin | 6701 |
atlruin1 |
Atlantean Undersea Ruin | 6702 |
atlruin2 |
Atlantean Undersea Ruin | 6703 |
atlruin3 |
Desert Rock Formation | 9222 |
srckfrm1 |
Desert Rock | 6457 |
sandrock |
Medium Desert Rock | 9230 |
drock1 |
Small Desert Rock | 9247 |
mexrock |
Deciduous Forest Rock Formation | 9223 |
srckfrm2 |
Large Snowy Rock | 9220 |
lrocka1 |
Large Snowy Rock | 9221 |
lrocka2 |
Small Snowy Rock | 9219 |
srocka2 |
Snowy Rock Formation | 9211 |
bwallsnw |
Medium Snowy Rock | 9218 |
srocka1 |
Highland Rock Formation | 9210 |
bwallmtn |
Large Highland Rock | 9224 |
srckfrm3 |
Medium Highland Rock | 9231 |
drock2 |
Highland Rock | 9245 |
japrock |
Coniferous Forest Rock Formation | 9225 |
srckfrm4 |
Medium Coniferous Rock | 9234 |
drock5 |
Rainforest Rock Formation | 9226 |
srckfrm5 |
Jungle Rock Formation | 9217 |
bwalljun |
Mossy Rainforest Rock | 9244 |
junrock |
Limestone Rock | 9246 |
asirock |
Stone Ruins | 9215 |
rstone |
Waterfall Rock Formation | 9213 |
watfall1 |
Large Rock | 9200 |
lrock1 |
Large Rock | 9201 |
lrock2 |
Medium Rock | 9205 |
srock1 |
Small Rock | 9206 |
srock2 |
Arctic Rock | 9242 |
icerock |
Iceberg | 9240 |
iceberg |
Isle Rock | 9241 |
islerock |
Medium Aquatic Rock | 9233 |
drock4 |
Medium Coral Formation | 9236 |
aqrock4 |
Medium Ocean Floor Rock | 9238 |
aqrock2 |
Small Ocean Floor Rock | 9235 |
aqrock1 |
Large Coral Formation | 9239 |
aqrock5 |
Large Ocean Floor Rock | 9237 |
aqrock3 |
Medium Savannah Rock | 9232 |
drock3 |
Termite Mound | 9243 |
aftmound |
Scenery (Objects)
Entity Name | ID | Codename |
Advanced Trick Area | 6499 |
testbox |
Amphora Clay Pot | 6453 |
amphora |
Asian Elephant Statue | 6729 |
asistatu |
Atlantean Archway | 6700 |
atlarch |
Atlantean Statue | 6705 |
atstatue |
Atlantean Urn | 6704 |
atlurn |
Bighorn Statue | 6042 |
statue5 |
Binocular Stand | 6027 |
binoc |
Black Observation Area | 6477 |
aqview1 |
Bone Bed | 6426 |
bonebed1 |
Campfire | 6709 |
campfire |
Cloth Observation Area | 6458 |
sandview |
Concrete Observation Area | 6088 |
view2rc |
Deep Sea Diver Statue | 6470 |
statdive |
Dolphin Statue | 6497 |
statdolp |
Dolphin Wishing Fountain | 6472 |
wishwell |
Duck Pond | 6044 |
duckpond |
Elephant Fountain | 6035 |
fount3 |
Elephant Statue | 6039 |
statue2 |
Exhibit Sign | 6084 |
habsign |
Fancy Backdrop | 6482 |
bckdrop1 |
Fountain | 6024 |
fountain |
Giant Pacific Clam | 6466 |
fakeclam |
Giant Tortoise Fountain | 6404 |
dfnt1 |
Ice Age Observation Area | 6441 |
dview4 |
Ice Archway | 6710 |
icearch |
Iron Bar Observation Area | 6437 |
dview2 |
Jack-O'-Lantern | 7078 |
pumpkin |
Japanese Archway | 6722 |
japarch |
Japanese Koi Pond | 6725 |
jappond |
Japanese Rock Garden | 6727 |
japzen |
Japanese Stone Lantern | 6724 |
japlant |
Japanese Urn | 6726 |
japurn |
Jumping Fountain | 6495 |
jmpfount |
Lamp | 6032 |
lamp |
Large Bench | 6025 |
bench |
Large Fossil Wall | 6424 |
fossil3 |
Large Geyser | 6445 |
geyser1 |
Large Stone Torch | 6427 |
storch2 |
Large Volcano | 6444 |
volcano2 |
Lava Archway | 6405 |
darch1 |
Lava Pit | 6439 |
lavapit |
Lion Statue | 6038 |
statue1 |
Marble Observation Area | 6442 |
dview5 |
Masai Warrior Statue | 6715 |
afstatue |
Medium Fossil Wall | 6423 |
fossil2 |
Mermaid Statue | 6467 |
statmerm |
Metal Bench | 6494 |
aqbench |
Metal Grate Observation Area | 6087 |
view1lc |
Metal Observation Area | 6053 |
view1 |
Metal Picnic Table | 6092 |
picnic2 |
Mexican Archway | 6731 |
mexarch |
Mexican Observation Area | 6733 |
mexview |
Mexican Statue | 6732 |
mexserpt |
Orca Statue | 6496 |
statorca |
Picnic Table | 6085 |
picnic |
Playful Bronto Statue | 6707 |
dkbronto |
Playful Dino Archway | 6706 |
dkarch |
Playful T. rex Statue | 6708 |
dktrex |
Rainforest Archway | 6717 |
junarch |
Rainforest Pond | 6718 |
junpond |
Rainforest Statue | 6719 |
junstat |
Rainforest Torch | 6720 |
juntorch |
Rainforest Vase | 6721 |
junvase |
Reinforced Observation Area | 6440 |
dview3 |
Rock Observation Area | 6089 |
view2lc |
Sand Archway | 6455 |
sandarch |
Sea Lion Statue | 6498 |
statslio |
Seal Statue | 6800 |
statseal |
Small Fossil Wall | 6422 |
fossil1 |
Small Geyser | 6446 |
geyser2 |
Small Torch | 6400 |
storch |
Small Volcano | 6443 |
volcano |
Snake Pit | 6460 |
snakepit |
Snowman | 7079 |
snowman |
Southeast Asian Archway | 6728 |
asiarch |
Southeast Asian Observation Area | 6730 |
asiview |
Sphinx Statue | 6461 |
sphinx |
Stage Backdrop End | 6481 |
stgecorn |
Stage Backdrop | 6479 |
stgeback |
Stage Door | 6480 |
stgedoor |
Steam Vent | 6447 |
vent1 |
Stick Pole Observation Area | 6054 |
view2 |
Stone Archway | 6406 |
darch2 |
Stone Bench | 6428 |
sbench |
Stone Obelisk | 6454 |
obelisk |
T. rex Skeleton | 6425 |
skeltrex |
T. rex Statue | 6401 |
stattrex |
Tall Torch | 6716 |
aftorch |
Tar Pit | 6438 |
tarpit |
Thatched Grass Archway | 6713 |
afarch |
Trash Can | 6009 |
trshcan |
Treasure Chest | 6468 |
trchest |
Tribal Mask | 6714 |
afmask |
Triceratops Skeleton | 6420 |
skeltric |
Triceratops Statue | 6403 |
stattops |
Trio Statue | 6801 |
stattrio |
Turtle Fountain | 6034 |
fount2 |
Umbrella Table | 6010 |
umbtable |
United States Flag | 19000 |
f554b047 |
Velociraptor Skeleton | 6436 |
skelvelo |
Velociraptor Statue | 6402 |
statvelo |
Water Well | 6459 |
sandwell |
White Observation Area | 6478 |
aqview2 |
Wishing Fountain | 6473 |
wishw2 |
Wood Observation Area | 6086 |
view1rc |
Wooden Observation Area | 6412 |
dview1 |
Wooly Mammoth Fountain | 6408 |
dfnt2 |
Worn Cart | 6456 |
sandcart |
Woven Flower Basket | 6712 |
wvbasket |
Zoo Map | 6043 |
parkmap |
Entity Name | ID | Codename |
Asphalt Path | 9100 |
asphpath |
Concrete Path | 9101 |
path |
Dirt Path | 9102 |
dirtpath |
Brick Path | 9108 |
brkpath |
Sand Path | 9109 |
sandpath |
Cobblestone Path | 9110 |
stnepath |
Yellow Brick Path | 9111 |
yellpath |
Desert Trail | 9112 |
strail |
Boardwalk Path | 9113 |
bluepath |
Atlantean Path | 9114 |
atlpath |
Dino Footprint Path | 9115 |
dkpath |
Ice Path | 9116 |
icepath |
Thatched Grass Mat Path | 9117 |
afpath |
Rainforest Rock Path | 9118 |
junpath |
Stepping Stone Path | 9119 |
jappath |
Southeast Asian Stone Path | 9120 |
asipath |
Mexican Stone Path | 9121 |
mexpath |
Entity Name | ID | Codename |
Plexiglass Fence | 9300 |
glass |
Chain-link Fence | 9301 |
chainlnk |
Concrete Fence | 9302 |
concrete |
Concrete Chain Fence | 9303 |
chaincon |
Rock Wall Fence | 9304 |
rockwall |
Cast-Iron Fence | 9305 |
castiron |
Post and Rail Fence | 9306 |
postrail |
Brick Wall Fence | 9307 |
bricklow |
Picket Fence | 9308 |
wpicket |
Low Hedge Fence | 9310 |
lwhedge |
Wooden Slat Fence | 9311 |
woodslat |
Zookeeper Gate | 9314 |
gate01 |
Wooden Curb | 9315 |
curbwd |
Low Plexiglass Fence | 9316 |
smglass |
Low Chain-link Fence | 9317 |
smchain |
Low Concrete Fence | 9318 |
smconcre |
Low Concrete Chain Fence | 9319 |
smchacon |
Low Rock Wall Fence | 9320 |
smrock |
Low Post and Rail Fence | 9321 |
smrail |
Low Wooden Slat Fence | 9322 |
smwdslat |
Low Stick Pole Fence | 9324 |
smstkfen |
Low Iron Bar Fence | 9325 |
smzoobar |
Post and Rope Fence | 9326 |
postrope |
White Fence | 9327 |
wrail |
Stick Pole Window Fence | 9328 |
stickwin |
Rock Window Fence | 9329 |
rockwin |
Wooden Slat Window Fence | 9330 |
woodwin |
Concrete and Iron Bar Fence | 9331 |
dbar |
Reinforced Concrete Fence | 9332 |
dconc |
Reinforced Concrete and Glass Fence | 9333 |
dglas |
Electrified Chain-link Fence | 9334 |
dzchn |
Electrified Iron Bar Fence | 9335 |
dzbar |
Low Sand Wall | 9336 |
sandwall |
Angled Railing and Glass | 9347 |
tankwal7 |
Black Bar and Glass | 9340 |
tankwall |
Concrete Edge and Glass | 9341 |
tankwal2 |
Striped Scooped Edges and Glass | 9342 |
tankwal3 |
Striped Wavy Edges and Glass | 9343 |
tankwal4 |
Solid Concrete | 9344 |
tankwal5 |
Striped Wavy Edges and Gunite | 9345 |
tankwal6 |
Buoy Rope Fence | 9346 |
buoyrope |
Atlantean Tank Wall | 9350 |
atltank |
Thick Atlantean Wall | 9348 |
atlfenc1 |
Thin Atlantean Wall | 9349 |
atlfenc2 |
Kids Bronto Fence | 9351 |
dkfence1 |
Kids Stego Fence | 9352 |
dkfence2 |
Snowy Rock Wall | 9353 |
snowrock |
Thatched Grass Fence | 9354 |
affence |
Rainforest Rock Wall | 9355 |
junwall |
Japanese Wooden Fence | 9356 |
japfence |
Southeast Asian Stone Fence | 9357 |
asifence |
Mexican Fence | 9358 |
mexfence |
Entity Name | ID |
Zookeeper | 9500 |
Maintenance Worker | 9501 |
Tour Guide | 9502 |
Scientist | 9551 |
Marine Specialist | 9552 |
Entity Name | ID |
Male guest | 9503 |
Female guest | 9504 |
Boy guest | 9505 |
Girl guest | 9506 |
Developer Items
Entity Name | ID | Codename |
4-wheeler | 6138 |
jeep1 |
Building | 6130 |
build1 |
Building | 6131 |
lab1 |
Building | 6132 |
build3 |
Building | 6133 |
build4 |
Building | 6134 |
build5 |
Dock | 6135 |
dock1 |
Dock | 6136 |
dock2 |
Dock | 6137 |
dock3 |
Sedan | 6139 |
sedan1 |
Tractor trailer | 6140 |
semi1 |
Street light | 6141 |
streetlt |
SUV | 6142 |
suv1 |
Telephone Pole | 6143 |
telegrnd |
Telephone Pole | 6144 |
telepole |
Van | 6145 |
van1 |
Water Tower | 6146 |
watertwr |
Buoy | 6147 |
buoy |
Airplane | 6166 |
cessna1 |
Genetic Laboratory Vehicle | 6167 |
labjeep |
Oil Drum | 6168 |
oildrum1 |
Umbrella | 6169 |
umbrella |
Motor Boat | 6170 |
mtrboat |
Jetty | 6171 |
jetty1 |
Jetty | 6172 |
jetty2 |
Jetty | 6173 |
jetty3 |
Sail Boat | 6174 |
sailboat |
Cliff | 6175 |
cliff1 |
Cliff | 6176 |
cliff2 |
Cliff | 6177 |
cliff3 |
Cliff | 6178 |
cliff4 |
Cliff | 6179 |
cliff5 |
Cliff | 6180 |
cliff6 |
Building | 6181 |
build6 |
Tent | 6182 |
tent |
Parking Meter | 6183 |
meter |
Dumpster | 6184 |
dumpster |
Broken Bench | 6185 |
bkbench |
Broken Light | 6186 |
bklamp |
Dock 4 | 6187 |
dock1new |
Hotel | 6188 |
hotel |
Lifeguard Station | 6189 |
lifechr |
Road Paint | 6162 |
road1 |
Road Paint | 6163 |
road2 |
Road Paint | 6164 |
road3 |
Entity Name | ID | Codename |
Unknown Foliage | foliage | |
Unknown Other | other | |
Unknown Fresh Water Wave | 0 |
frshwav |
Unknown Tank Bubbles | 0 |
tankbub1 |
Unknown Tank Ripple | 0 |
tankripl |
Unknown Tank Water Wave | 0 |
twaterwv |
Unknown Water Wave | 0 |
waterwv1 |
1/2 Full Hay | 6065 |
hchwmid |
1/2 Full Meat | 6064 |
cchwmid |
Bamboo Shoots %s | 6314 |
bambchow |
Chum %s | 6602 |
chum |
Dinosaur Poo | 6094 |
dinopoo |
Empty Hay | 6061 |
hchwemp |
Empty Meat | 6059 |
cchwemp |
Fish %s | 6313 |
fishchow |
Fish %s | 6601 |
fish |
Fruits and Vegetables %s | 6312 |
fruichow |
Grass and Branches %s | 6315 |
graschow |
Hay %s | 6060 |
hchwfull |
Hay %s | 6060 |
herbchow |
Hedge Arch | 6020 |
arch1 |
Insectivore Chow %s | 6407 |
inschow |
Krill %s | 6600 |
krill |
Large Grass and Leaves Chow %s | 6416 |
dinogras |
Large Meat Chow %s | 6415 |
dinocarn |
Large Poo | 6062 |
poo |
Man | 9503 |
guests |
Marine Grass %s | 6603 |
seagrass |
Meat %s | 6058 |
carnchow |
Meat %s | 6058 |
cchwfull |
Medium Rock | 9205 |
brubble |
Piece of Trash | 6310 |
trash |
Rubble | 10513 |
bathrubl |
Rubble | 10513 |
brubble1 |
Rubble | 10513 |
brubble2 |
Rubble | 10513 |
brubble3 |
Rubble | 10513 |
brubble4 |
Rubble | 10513 |
brubls1 |
Rubble | 10513 |
bstump1 |
Small Poo | 6093 |
smzoodoo |
Urchin %s | 6604 |
urchin |