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Scenario Files .scn

Blue Fang provided official documentation for .scn files. The documentation can be found at:

~/Zoo Tycoon/XPACK2/<unzip scenari6.ztd>/scenario/example.scn


Key Value Description
name <int> Takes in the scenario ID property for the scenario name.
story <string name> Name of story start
picture <string dir> Directory to pictures relevant to story
winstory <string name> Name of story win
winpicture <string dir> Directory to pictures relevant to win condition
losestory <string name> Name of story lose
losepicture <string dir> Directory to pictures relevant to lose condition
lockedstory <string name> Story locked
lockedpicture <string dir> Directory to pictures relevant to locked condition
expansion <int> Set the default expansion pack (0 = all, 1 = zoo, 2 = dino, 3 = aqua)
expansionLocked <int> Set this to 0 to allow the user to use the expansion filter, set it to 1 to lock the scenario to the default expansion.
iconf <string dir> Failed icon
iconc <string dir> Completed icon
iconp <string dir> In progress icon


From example.scn in the game files.

name = 16001
picture = scenario/scn01/scn01/scn01
winpicture = ui/scenario/win/win
losepicture = ui/scenario/lose/lose
lockedstory = SCENARIO_LOCK_STORY_1
lockedpicture = ui/scenario/lock/lock
expansion = 0
iconf = ui/scenario/iconf/iconf
iconc = ui/scenario/iconc/iconc
iconp = ui/scenario/iconp/iconp


Key Value Description
savegame <string dir> Filename of the save to load when the scenario starts.
extragoals <string dir> List of config files with extra goals to load.
research <research.cfg> Research config for the scenario.
marketing mktg.cfg Marketing config for the scenario.
setcash <int> Amount of cash to start the scenario at, replaces the value in the save.
addcash <int> Amount of cash to add to the current amount.
reset <0/1> Resets by killing off guests and setting counts to 0. Same as having all of resetdate, resetanimals, resetguests, resethabitats being set to 1.
resetdate <0/1> Reset the date, finance info, and guests.
resetanimals <0/1> Reset the animal numbering
resetguests <0/1> Kill off all guests and reset the guest count
resethabitats <0/1> Reset the habitat numbering.
resetfences <0/1> Reset the fence strengths.
triggers trigger0 List of triggers to fire off on scenario start


savegame = maps/scn01.zoo
extragoals = scenario/example/extra.scn
research = research.cfg
marketing = mktg.cfg
setcash = 1000000
addcash = 200
reset = 0
resetdate = 1
resetanimals = 1
resetguests = 1
resethabitats = 1
resetfences = 0
triggers = trigger0


Key Value Description
triggers trigger0 List of triggers to fire off when scenario resumes


triggers = trigger0


On successful completion of the scenario unlock these entities. Can be a list of entities to unlock. For a full list of entity values, please see Entity IDs.

Key Value Description
unlock <int> Value of entity


unlock = 5000 
unlock = 5001


Makes all animals unavailable.


trulea = 4 
truleb = 7


Key Value Description
nummonths <int> Number of months that the scenario last for.
display <int> No info
text <int> Key value of string to display
icon <string dir> Directory to clock icon


nummonths = 1
display = 1
text = 18000
icon = ui/scenario/clock/clock


Any name works above in the brackets, just add it to the [goals] block.

Key Value Description
rulea <int> Pick a value for one of the rules listed below.
ruleb <int> Pick a value that makes sense for rulea.
arga <int> Optional value that depends on rulea.
argb <int> Optional value that depends on rulea.
type <int> Pick the type of comparison to be applied.
value <int> Pick the value to compare the rule against.
text <int> Insert the string ID for the rule.
sticky <int> Pick either 0 or 1.
hidden <int> Pick either 0 or 1.
optional <int> Pick either 0 or 1.
trulea <int> Pick a value for one of the triggers.
truleb <int> Pick a value that makes sense for trulea.
targa <int> Optional argument for the trigger.
targb <int> Optional argument for the trigger.

Rule 0 (rulea = 0): Costs and profits

When rulea == 0:

  • arga (Period) - 0 monthly, 1 yearly, 2 total
  • argb (Unused)
  • 0 food cost
  • 1 healing cost
  • 2 purchase cost
  • 3 construction cost
  • 4 admissions
  • 5 admissions income
  • 6 food income
  • 7 drink income
  • 8 donations income
  • 9 construction refund
  • 10 animal refund
  • 11 keeper wages
  • 12 guide wages
  • 13 maint wages
  • 14 net income
  • 15 zoo value

Rule 1 (rulea = 1): Counts and ratings

  • arga (Month)
  • argb (Unused)
  • The value returned is clamped to 0 until the month is after arga.
    • 0 animal rating
    • 1 guest rating
    • 2 zoo rating
    • 3 num guests
    • 4 num animals
    • 5 num sick animals
    • 6 num species
    • 7 available cash

Rule 2 (rulea = 2)

  • arga (Animal Name ID)
  • argb (Subtype) - 0 male, 1 female, 3 young (2, pregnant is obsolete)
  • value - number
  • 0 match type
  • 1 match subtype
  • 2 match type and subtype
  • 3 match type or subtype

Rule 3 (rulea = 3)

  • arga (Unused or Habitat Rating)
  • argb (Unused or Animal Name ID)
  • 0 num habitats
  • 1 num non-empty habitats

Rule 4 (rulea = 4)

  • arga (ID)
  • argb (ID or Unused)
  • 0 Family
  • 1 Genus
  • 2 Species
  • 3 Location
  • 4 Habitat Type
  • 5 Family (arga) and Location (argb)
  • 6 Genus (arga) and Location (argb)
  • 7 Family (arga) and Habitat Type (argb)
  • 8 Genus (arga) and Habitat Type (argb)
  • 9 Habitat Type (arga) and Location (argb)
  • 10 Number of boxed animals

Rule 5 (rulea = 5)

  • arga (ID or Unused)
  • argb (Unused)
  • 0 Have a rating of 'value' for all habitats.
  • 1 Have a rating of 'value' for all family 'arga' habitats.
  • 2 Have a rating of 'value' for all genus 'arga' habitats.
  • 3 Have a rating of 'value' for all species 'arga' habitats.
  • 4 Have a rating of 'value' for all location 'arga' habitats.
  • 5 Have a rating of 'value' for all era 'arga' habitats.
  • 6 Have a rating of 'value' for all habitat type 'arga' habitats.

Rule 6 (rulea = 6)

;; arga (Number of Habitats)
;; argb (ID or Unused)
; 0 Have a rating of 'value' for 'arga' habitats.
; 1 Have a rating of 'value' for 'arga' family 'argb' habitats.
; 2 Have a rating of 'value' for 'arga' genus 'argb' habitats.
; 3 Have a rating of 'value' for 'arga' species 'argb' habitats.
; 4 Have a rating of 'value' for 'arga' location 'argb' habitats.
; 5 Have a rating of 'value' for 'arga' era 'argb' habitats.
; 6 Have a rating of 'value' for 'arga' habitat type 'argb' habitats.

Rule 7 (rulea = 7)

;; arga (Unused)
;; argb (Unused)
; 0 Current month value (0 is beginning of the game, 1-12)
; 1 Current year value.
; 2 Number of months that have passed ((12 * year) + month)

Rule 8 (rulea = 8)

;; arga (ID)
;; argb (Unused)
; 0 Returns value if entity type arga is available.

Rule 9 (rulea = 9)

;; arga (Unused)
;; argb (Unused)
;; 0 Returns number of goals in progress.
;; 1 Returns number of goals completed.
;; 2 Returns number of goals failed.

Rule 10 (rulea = 10)

;; arga (ID of UI element)
;; 0 Returns value if the element is currently shown.
;; 1 Returns value if the element is triggered.

Rule 11 (rulea = 11)

;; arga (ID of listbox UI element)
;; value = 0 (1st listbox element)
;; value = 1 (2nd listbox element), etc.
;; type = 2

Types - Determines how the rule and value are compared.

  • 0 Goal completed when rule >= value.
  • 1 Goal completed when rule < value.
  • 2 Goal completed when rule == value.
  • 3 Goal failed when rule >= value.
  • 4 Goal failed when rule < value.
  • 5 Goal failed when rule == value.
  • 6 Goal completed when rule >= value, else failed.
  • 7 Goal completed when rule < value, else failed.
  • 8 Goal completed when rule == value, else failed.

Sticky - Determines if the rule stays completed or failed once there.

  • 0 - Can be completed or failed at times, but can slip back to in progress.
  • 1 - Once completed or failed, is always completed or failed.

Hidden - Determines if the goal is displayed to the player.

  • 0 - Shown to the player.
  • 1 - Not shown to the player.

Optional - Determines if the goal must be met to complete the scenario.

  • 0 - Not optional, goal must be met.
  • 1 - Optional, goal can be failed or completed without affecting scenario.

Trigger 0 (trulea = 0)

  • targa (Unused)
  • targb (Unused)
  • 0 Do nothing.

Trigger 1 (trulea = 1)

  • targa (Resource ID of message)
  • targb (Arg passed to the message.)
  • 0 Send info message.
  • 1 Send good message.
  • 2 Send high priority message.
; Trigger 2 (trulea = 2)
; targa (Varies)
; targb (Varies)
; Rules 1,3,5,7,9 have been made obsolete but still work.
; To fix them, replace the old rule by adding 1 - for example, 1 becomes 2.
;  0 Popup dialog.                  (targa layout ID,  targb unused)
;  2 Popup and click UI element.    (targa ele ID, targb layout if > 0)
;  4 Popup and disable UI element.  (targa ele ID, targb layout if > 0)
;  6 Popup and enable UI element.   (targa ele ID, targb layout if > 0)
;  8 Popup and hide UI element.     (targa ele ID, targb layout if > 0)
; 10 Popup and show UI element.     (targa ele ID, targb layout if > 0)
; 11 Popup any layout.              (targa layout ID,  targb pause flag)
; 12 Disable block of UI elements.  (targa block, targb layout if > 0)
; 13 Enable block of UI elements.   (targa block, targb layout if > 0)
; 14 Hide block of UI elements.     (targa block, targb layout if > 0)
; 15 Show block of UI elements.     (targa block, targb layout if > 0)
; 16 Set block of UI elements.      (targa block, targb layout if > 0)
; For 16, the entries in the block are <id>=enable,disable,hide,show
; Trigger 3 (trulea = 3)
; targa (Amount of cash.)
; targb (Unused or resource ID for message - use %s to capture dollar amount.)
; 0 Donate cash. (Shows up in donations column.)
; 1 Add cash. (Doesn't show up in finance sheet.)
; 2 Set cash. (Brute force sets the cash amount.)
; Trigger 4 (trulea = 4)
; targa (ID of entity type)
; targb (Unused or ID of message.)
;  0 Make entity type available.
;  1 Make entity type unavailable.
;  2 Make entity type available and display UI message targb.
;  3 Make entity type unavailable and display UI message targb.
;  4 Make entity type available and display popup targb.
;  5 Make entity type unavailable and display popup targb.
;  6 Make all animals available.
;  7 Make all animals unavailable.
;  8 Make all things available.
;  9 Make all things unavailable.
; Trigger 5 (trulea = 5)
; targa (ID of entity type.)
; targb (ID of message - no message if <= 0.)
; 0 Add boxed animal of type targa to zoo, subtype "m".
; 1 Add boxed animal of type targa to zoo, subtype "f".
; 2 Add boxed animal of type targa to zoo, subtype "y".
; Trigger 6 (trulea = 6)
; targa (ID of award)
; targb (ID of message - no message if <= 0)
; 0 Present an award to the zoo
; Trigger 7 (trulea = 7)
; targa (ID of sub block)
; targb (Unused or ID of message.)
;  0 Make entity type available.
;  1 Make entity type unavailable.
;  2 Make entity type available and display UI message targb.
;  3 Make entity type unavailable and display UI message targb.
;  4 Make entity type available and display popup targb.
;  5 Make entity type unavailable and display popup targb.


This category is not documented.

Example code under this category:

;goal=trigger 2 example a
;goal=trigger 2 example b
;goal=trigger 7 example

Example goal after defining it above:


Misc categories and properties

Have a rating of 50 for all habitats.


Have a rating of 50 for all Cat habitats.


Have a rating of 50 for 3 or more Tiger habitats.


Have a rating of 50 for 3 or more Bengal Tiger habitats.
